Have you heard the phrase - a person who DOESN'T read, is just the same as a person who CAN'T read!
Pretty insightful.
But, listen to this: of the people who do read, 90% of them (NINETY) do not even get passed the first chapter of a book!
Staggering, but true.
So, what can we learn from that?
For starters, the majority of people only read the things that really interest them, and, turn away from all those things that B-O-R-E them. (The number ONE marketing and advertising sin!)
What can we do to keep our communication, lively, interesting and compelling?
Here's why: Children are pretty much switched on. Their minds are active, buzzing and... alert! Their curiosity feelers are on-the-go, 24 hours a day.
Just watch them playing a computer game or observe them watching a TV programme, listening to music. The slightest hint of boredom, and they're off to find another game, another channel, another comic, another song.
Here's how to take advantage of their particular skills.
In fact, EMPLOY is a good word when it comes to kids. Pay them in order to help make your marketing messages sizzle!
Do it by the following: Give a letter, email or other promotional piece, to the youngster... and have them READ THE PIECE ALOUD.
The reason for that is for you to listen out for stumblings or bottlenecks over any words, sentences or clusters of thoughts.
The principle being; If the kid stumbles, so will your prospects!
It seems that no matter how sophisticated or educated we think our clients and prospects are, they've the attention span of a gnat. Confuse them, make them work too hard, and... they're off!
The key to it all is to fix all those areas where the hiccups in the writing piece occurred, by either smoothing them out with alternatives or eliminate them all together.
Doing this regularly with all your marketing and advertising pieces will ensure that you send out clutter free, easy to read messages that your customers and clients will love.
And... your child would've been amply rewarded for helping your business, and, getting a feel for the EFFORT - PROFIT world.
So, that's your task for the day.
Collar a kid, get them to read your stuff out... and pay them well. They could turn out to become your most valuable employee!
P.S. When you choose the kid to help you, MAKE SURE THEY CAN READ!
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