Many people are looking for a new career where they can work at home and still make money. Search the Internet for work at home jobs, and you will be overwhelmed with the number of websites.
First, beware of jobs that promise you can get rich quickly. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Beware of ads that ask you to send money to receive information about the job or ask you to buy something to begin the program. Most legitimate job advertisements do not require an investment. Watch out for exaggerated claims of product effectiveness. These advertisements ask you to invest in a new miracle product, which you either don?t receive or is much harder to sell than advertised. You might also be liable if you are asked to sell a fraudulent program to others.
Common work at home schemes including stuffing envelopes, work at home assembly, chain letters and processing medial insurance claims. These scams usually involve money upfront for training or for products which never materialize. The work at home assembly programs often leave people with products they assemble and don?t get paid for.
Work at home scams will never offer you a regular salary for a specific job. They might use personal testimonials about the success of their program without identifying specific names. Work at home schemes usually require no experience, yet guarantee that you will make huge profits. Avoid work at home job advertisements with typing errors or advertisements typed in all capital letters. This is a good indication that the organization is not very professional. Look for contact information in the job advertisement. No contact information usually means it is not a legitimate ad. Vague job descriptions are also indicative of a scam.
If you become a victim to a work at home scam, ask the company for a refund. Notify law enforcement officials, your local Better Business Bureau and your state?s Attorney General office if they refuse to send you a refund. Document all your involvement with the company such as phone calls and keep all your paperwork.
There are many genuine work at home jobs available. Protect yourself by avoiding the common pitfalls of work at home scams.
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