Imagine generating a substantial profit by charging for subscriptions to your newsletter. This might seem like a far-fetched idea, but it's a reality for many. Offering a free newsletter or ezine on your website's topic of interest is a great way to drive traffic and establish yourself as an expert. However, why not monetize this valuable resource? Just like print publications charge a yearly subscription fee, you can do the same for your ezine.
While the internet is flooded with free ezines on every conceivable topic, it's still possible to convince people to pay for yours. Many ezine publishers generate enough revenue from promoting affiliate programs and selling advertising in their publications, making the idea of charging subscribers seem unnecessary. However, if done correctly, a paid subscription ezine can be more profitable, even with fewer subscribers. The secret lies in providing extremely valuable content.
To create content that people are willing to pay for, you need to:
You might also consider offering payment for hot tips, insider secrets, or ideas to share with your subscribers. This shows your subscribers that you're investing in a quality publication, which helps justify the subscription cost.
Another strategy is to collaborate or form joint ventures with other marketers to offer a product or service that your subscribers would be interested in at a significant discount (50% off or above).
What has worked best for other successful paid subscription ezines in the past? Starting as a free ezine and then transitioning to a paid subscription or launching a paid version later on.
For instance, Wayne Yeager started with a free version of his Trafficology newsletter last year. He offered over $1,300 each month in cash for the best traffic generating ideas. After building his subscription base to over 20,000, he launched Super Trafficology, a paid newsletter featuring the best tips and tricks submitted. So far, he has 325 subscribers paying $20 a month, which equates to $6,500 monthly. This is a significant profit, more than he would have likely made by inserting a few ads in the free version or promoting an affiliate program paying 30%.
Monique Harris generates over $20,000 a month with her paid newsletter. She even co-authored an ebook on the subject called Paperless Newsletters.
As you can see, it's possible to charge your ezine subscribers, but you must approach it delicately and ensure it's the right step for you. Can you create solid enough content to attract enough paying subscribers? Would you make more money from 25,000 unpaid subscribers or 300 paying subscribers? These are questions you need to consider before making the leap.
"New Trend Shows Domain Branding More Important Than Ever Before."
On Feb. 6th, 2003, ... Inc., ... aweb ... company released a report showing that ... of websites are now visited by direct ... of using search eThe Unassailable Reign of Dot-Com Domains
The digital landscape is abuzz with the advent of new domain extensions. A recent Denver Post article suggested that ".biz" could potentially rival the popularity of ".com". With seven new top-level domains approved by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the digital world is set for a shake-up. The new domains include .biz, .info, .aero, .coop, .museum, .pro, and .name. However, despite the hype, the supremacy of ".com" remains unchallenged. Here's why:Leveraging Expired Domains for Immediate Web Traffic
Every day, countless domains are left to expire and are subsequently returned to the pool of available domains that anyone can register. These expired domains can be a goldmine if you're seeking a high-quality domain for your online business or if you're interested in reselling them for profit. However, there's another significant benefit to owning a previously registered domain - immediate web traffic!