This is a free internet marketing technique that you can set up in under an hour but which could bring in targeted traffic for months or years to come...
The tactic I refer to involves placing as many keywords as possible on Pay Per Click Search Engines. And I will show you how to get up $500 worth of free targeted traffic just by following the guidelines below.
As well as the more popular PPCSEs such as Kanoodle, Overture, Sprinks and FindWhat there are a number of newer ones that offer sign up bonuses in the form of a starter balance in your account. These range from $1 to as much as $250.
Bids start as low as 1 cent, so if you get a $1 bonus you will receive 100 visitors to your site. There is usually no limit to the number of keywords you can list. I have over 1000 keyword phrases listed on 30 engines and every visitor "costs" me 1 cent.
By the time I have used up all my credits I will have generated many thousands of hits to the four sites I am promoting. And all for free. This is genuine, quality, targeted traffic. How do I know it is targeted? Because I employ a simple but effective tactic to ensure that the visitors I get know what they are going to my site for. On one of the sites I am looking for freebie hunters and on the other three I am selling a product or service - and I state as much in either the title or description or both.
I realise this breaks the established rule of advertising in that you should not reveal the price in the ad itself - but remember, this is a Search Engine with a difference because we are "paying" for the visitors I get.
For the products and services I am promoting I either reveal a price or make it clear that something is for sale - that way we keep the freebie hunters from wasting their time and our account credits!So what do you need to kickstart your PPCSE marketing campaign? First of all you will need an Excel spreadsheet. If you don't have Excel then you can pick up a streadsheet here:
Divide your spreadsheet into 5 columns:
In column 1 type in your keywords or phrases, as many as you can come up with relevant to your site.
In column 2 put in your bid price. We recommend 0.01. Make sure your spreadsheet programme does not enter a comma, or the PPCSEs will NOT accept your listing.
In column 3 type a title or headline. Make this short but interesting and if relevant mention a price or something like "under $30" or "at a competitive price" etc so the visitor knows you are selling something.
In column 4 type in the URL of the site you are promoting.
In column 5 type a short description.
Here is an example of one of my listings:marketing resources 0.01
Free internet marketing action plan
Build your downlines in several programmes quickly and easilyUse a resource like Word Tracker to find relevant keyword combinations. Then prepare your spreadsheet as in the example above.
Next, find some PPCSEs and create your accounts. (For a list of PPCSEs I employ simply send a blank email to: Before you sign up make sure they are still offering the bonus credits on your account. Once you have signed up, simply log in, click on Manage Listings, then Add Listing, then on "Click here if you have multiple listings" under the form.
Go back to your spreadsheet, copy the entire contents and paste them into the box on the Multiple Listings page. Click the button. Your listing will then either be added instantly to the database or you will receive a confirmation by email some hours later.
You can keep adding keywords for other sites, but try not to duplicate any given word or phrase as this might be classed as spamming. To check your ranking on any PPCSE you have an account with just do a search on a keyword or phrase.
The great thing about these engines is that you can check your stats in real time. You can find out which keywords are clicked on, how often, how much it has "cost" you and how much there is left in your account.