How To Target Your Pay per Click Ads
PPC service providers offer many tools that you can use for this effect. A targeted ad in pay per click advertising results in more clicks. Following are few options that you can use to target your pay per click ad campaigns better.
A targeted ad in pay per click advertising results in more clicks. PPC service providers offer many tools that you can use for this effect.Following are few options that you can use to target your pay per click ad campaigns better.Use Well Matched Campaigns: You should bid on well matched keywords. You can try different types of matching options to produce maximum effect. Here is a basic understanding of different types of matchesExact match- Your ad would be displayed only when exact keyword you are bidding on is typed. Thus,

if you bid on "golf accessories", the ad would be displayed on "golf accessories" search and not the likes "accessories for golf" etc. You can use this exact match to target your campaign.Broad Match- A listing is triggered by the keyword phrase or slight variations of it, even if the words are out of order or separated by other words. Example: "golf accessories" will match "How To Play Golf" and possibly even "Golf Swings and Shots." Broad match search is very useful for brand names and bigger companies with a name tag but it is not a good option for small budget businesses. It can result in a lot of poorly targeted clickthroughs for general terms and thus produce unnecessary burden on your campaign.Negative Match- The ad is not displayed when a negative word that you have chosen is typed into search engine along with keyword. For example if you list "free" as negative keyword along with golf accessories then your ad would not be displayed when someone types "free golf accessories". This kind of matching would allow you to keep people away who are not likely to buy.Phrase Match- Ad is displayed when the phrase as it is written for bid is included in the search, though search might include other terms as well. Thus, "golf accessories" will match "golf accessories for starters" but not with "accessories for starters of golf." Again this option can result in higher non contributory clicks.Contextual Targeting: This is offered by Yahoo Search and Google AdWords both. Contextual targeting places your ad on websites which have the content related to your ad. It is a good idea to use contextual ads because it adds to your exposure.Contextual display is enabled by default in both search engines and you are allowed to disable the display if you wish. But you need to regularly monitor where your ads are being placed. Because sometimes you would find your ads on non related sites too.You are given option of blacklisting the sites where you would like not to display the ads.Google Adwords also allows you to advertise on a particular site also if that site already using Adsense.Geographical Targeting: Both Yahoo Search and Google AdWords allows you to choose which countries or geographic regions your ads appear in. This is a good option for businesses providing local services. In such cases non-local clicks would not bring any profitsTarget Different Audience: You can divide your audiences into different sections and then make a separate ad for each section. For example "Money making at home" is broad keyword which you can divide amongst different target markets. You can have Money making at home for moms, for retired, for unemployed, for office goers and so on.To make the process more impactful, you would need to have separate landing pages for each.A targeted campaign bring more results. A campaign can be made more and more targeted as you monitor and track your own results and then modify accordingly.