How to develop an ezine that helps you build your business, while providing extraordinary balue for your subscribers.
An ezine allows you to proactively build a list of subscribers and prospects.
Most people will not immediately sign up for your services, but they may want to be kept in the loop. By offering a complimentary subscription, you’re giving your prospects the option of staying abreast of your offerings. By signing up, your subscribers are giving you permission to market to them over time.
Coaching Question: What could you offer your list as an incentive to sign up for your ezine?You can maintain varying levels of contact with your list.
One of the less talked about wonders of having a larger list is the ability to divide it into different types or levels of prospects—almost impossible with traditional mailing lists.
You could have a list made up solely of clients, another list exclusively of buyers of your audio course, another of prospects that haven’t bought anything from you yet. By dividing your lists, you can target your base more effectively, and you avoid irritating people with repeat offers (think of realtors who deluge mailboxes with offers to SELL NOW!).
Coaching Question: Develop a funnel model of your offerings, with your ezine at top and your most expensive service at bottom. What products and services could you provide within the funnel?You can continually add value for your subscribers.
Magazine subscriptions are limited in the ways they can promote their publication. Sending out gifts is prohibitively expensive, so a free sample issue and an introductory low price are the most common incentives for subscribing to a new publication. We’ve become used to this overused tactic, and now expect it. But what if your magazine could occasionally supply you with relevant information about your specific interests? And what if it did this without trying to sell you anything? Just as a way of adding value to your subscription?Surprise your subscribers with free reports, links to audio programs or member-only teleclasses. The internet is a fantastic tool for allowing us to provide tons of helpful information and assistance, with little cost. There is no better way to stand out than to give away something of great perceived value.
Coaching Question: What complimentary / low-cost products or services could you offer your subscribers? What about long-term subscribers? Or past clients? Brand new clients?Think about how you can build an ezine that helps your readers while positioning you as the expert.
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