How to use your elevator speech as a start point for your website copy.
I was reminded recently of a trap that it's very easy to fall into when it comes to writing copy for your life coaching website. It's that old re-inventing the wheel story. You can talk to people about what you do, but when it comes to writing it down, you lose the words. But who, I wonder, said that you need to find different words in the first place?
Yes, writing website copy can be daunting. And the challenge is very often one of how to condense everything you want to say into bite-sized chunks. Most coaches, though, have already worked on this when you've crafted, practised and polished your elevator speech. So even if it doesn't feel like it, you do actually have a head start!
Let's take a quick look at what needs to go on your home page. You'll probably spot rather a lot of similarities to your trusty elevator speech...
** The important basics of your home page copy
First of all, you need to make it clear who you work with - who falls into your target market. If you work with single mothers, for example, say it up front. That way the website visitors who fall into your target market will be attracted to read more. Those who don't fit will move on elsewhere. And that's just fine.
The second really important piece of content for your home page is a brief description of the results that you deliver. These are, of course, precisely the results that your potential future clients are looking for. By being clear and concise again, you will catch the eye of potential future clients and encourage them to read more. Others who don't fit the bill will just surf on by. And that, again, is just fine.
The other vital piece of the jigsaw is your sign-up box where you ask visitors to leave you their name and contact details. However interested they are in what you offer, if you don't capture these details from them, they may as well have surfed on by. And that really isn't fine at all!
** Strangely enough, it's not about you!
So many coaches get all hung up about 'selling themselves'. But you know what? You don't actually have to do that. What sells best is copy that's about the client, not about you. Follow the guidelines above and you'll have a statement that says something like:
'Coaching for single mums who want to earn a living working from home' Or:
'Are you a corporate professional looking for a way out? We specialise in helping you to step off the treadmill, take control of your life and plan a new future.' Or:
'I work with artists and writers to make creative output a practical and financially viable reality.'
Take your basic elevator speech and you'll probably find that it follows a similar formula. The temptaion is always to add in a huge chunk about HOW you achieve the results. You know, all that stuff about coaching!
But don't forget that above all else your webiste visitors want to know if you work with clients just like them. They aren't hugely interested in how you achieve it. Later on, maybe, yes. But not at the point where you're making your first impression and they're weighing up, at the speed of light, whether to hang around on your website or not.
So begin with your ideal client in mind and write your home page just for them. Imagine they are standing in front of you and you are answering their questions. Tell them exactly what they want to know and do your best to avoid coaching terminology. Keep the sentences short, use relevant sub headings and bullet points and before you know it... hey presto! A clear, concise, relevant and client-attracting home page of your very own.
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