How to get people to comment on your blog. There are many ways to improve your search engine ranking position - we know that. But, there is one method many people don't concentrate on to their detriment. It is getting people to comment on your blog. Google and the other search engines put great importance on comments.
Getting Comments on your blog is extremely important. How do you get people to comment? Here are some suggestions that may help you to get more comments.
Just ask yourself this question:
How can a robot determine whether an article is good or not?
I guess you would check to see if the article was original - not scraped from someone else
* The use of keywords - is the usage natural or are the stuffed?
* Keyword density - is it in a reasonable range?
* Whether there are related keywords - Latent Semantic Indexing
* How the keywords relate to the title
* Many other characteristics of the article - Who knows?
* Finally, how many people comment on your articles
You should be striving to become an authority site. We want a site that has incoming links from other related high pagerank sites indicating that our site is trusted and recognized. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to getting recognition from the search engines. How can they tell your article is good? They look to see how many comments you are getting on the article.
The dream is to get a discussion going on your site. This is where people use your article as a vehicle to "argue", "debate", "dispute" and "discuss" the pros and cons of what you have written.
Here is a small list of things you can do to increase your number of comments:
* Make a controversial post - Take a strong position. You will find some people will agree with you and some will not. Get them commenting by being somewhat outrageous
* Ask people to comment - The vast majority of people won't comment, but asking them to comment does help. Ask some questions at the end of your post that invite people to express themselves.
* Use Web 2.0 type promoting - Get your article out there. Post your article on several Web 2.0 sites like Digg, and Propeller for example. You don't have to be on all the sharing sites, but you will want to hit the influential ones, at least. Use an article submitting service such as SubmitYourArticle. You will find that it pays off pretty quickly. Your number of incoming, one-way links will increase over time.
Be a friendly person and freely post comments on articles that you like - Experienced bloggers really appreciate it when you make an intelligent, non-spam comment on their blog. Many blog owners will make it a point to search out your blog and comment on your work. Within Wordpress, the blog owner can simply click on the commenter's blog URL. It is pretty to reciprocate.
In summary: Comments are very important in your success. Treat them with respect. Engender them and you will see your rank improve.
Do you agree with the list above? What other ideas do you have? What have you found effective in increasing the number of comments your blog gets?
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