MLM Training – 3 Easy Steps to Attracting MLM Prospects Like “Fish Bait”

Feb 7


Richard Knight

Richard Knight

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If you ever wanted to attract MLM prospects to you and your business but didn’t quite know how then you need to follow these 3 easy steps revealed in this article.

If you ever wanted to attract MLM prospects to you and your business but didn't quite know how then this article is for you.

So first things first,MLM Training – 3 Easy Steps to Attracting MLM Prospects Like “Fish Bait” Articles have you ever gone fishing before?Well, even if you haven't you'll be able to see what I'm talking about. So what's the first thing you do when you go fishing?Step 1: Go where the fishes (your MLM prospects) are…Everyone knows if you plan on catching fish, you have to go where the fishes are – (i.e. - a pond or stream full of swarming fish). And it's the same thing for MLM prospects. You have to go where your prospects are hanging out, where they're flocking to, where they're swarming to and where they are found in heavy abundance.

So let's think… Where are my prospects hanging out, where are they already going, and where can I find them in high abundance?


But where on the internet?Well there are a number of places that come to mind: forums, article directories, ezines, search engines, and the list goes on.

So now that you know a few places where you can find prospects swarming in "high abundance" the next thing you need is to …Step 2: Get the Bait Ready…Here's why you need "bait". Have you ever seen someone jump head first in the water trying to catch a fish (ever seen Survivor)? – Well what do the fish do when they see someone or something "chasing" after it?"


And it's the exact same thing with MLM prospects. If they sense you chasing after them, well they're just going to high tail it outta there as fast as they can.

So what bait can you use to attract your MLM prospects?Well it's easy – "free ‘how to' information". What kind of "how to" information you ask? Information on "how to" build a successful business. Remember, your "ideal" prospect is someone who is already searching for information on "how to" build a successful home business.

A better way to put this is to offer "something valuable for nothing". Just think about the little fishies in the pond. When they see that "tasty" worm just sitting there on the hook – the fish will come to YOU because you offered it "something valuable for nothing" – a tasty meal (the worm).

And it's the exact same thing with your MLM prospects. When you offer them "something valuable for nothing" – in the form of free "how to" info, they'll flock to you and "bite" on the bait and give you their name and email address instead of you having to chase them down, as it should be.

This information can be in the form of a free report like: "10 Tips You Need to Know If You Want To Make Money From Home" or "5 Ways to Make Money From Home On A Shoe String Budget".

Step 3: Slowly Reel Them InSo you got the fish to "bite" on the bait (you've got a prospect to give you their name, email address in exchange for your free information). Now you need to reel them into whatever you have to offer. If you get too anxious and pull on the line too hard – your fish is gone. So you have to SLOWLY reel them in.

This is done with MLM prospects through followup. You have to continue to pull on the line and draw them closer and closer to your business by giving your prospects valuable information and giving them the OPTION of checking out your opportunity afterwards on a continuous basis.

Most network marketers just give the line one big tug (pitching their opportunity up front) giving it more or less a "hit or miss" approach and wonder why they aren't getting any fish on their boat (new reps into their business).

So if you're struggling with MLM prospects and aren't adding enough reps into your business than you might have hoped than simply follow these steps and soon enough you'll have more fishes hopping into your business than you know what to deal with.