Don't buy one more info product before you read this article. You could save yourself an absolute fortune...
Are you aware that every info product you have bought is compiled of info you can find for free online?
That's correct! You are essentially paying for free information. True, you will discover the occasional secret revealed through specific marketing tests. Mostly though, the ebook or audio course is old info.
Think about it! Can you think of anything that has been written in any info product you have bought - that you haven't later read in online blogs and websites.
Don't get me wrong! Information is still high on my buying list and I continue to purchase select info products but that does not mean that I could not find the info online with some effort.
What you and I are paying for is the packaging and most times we are buying because someone else has told us that this particular ebook is going to change our lives. The sales copy draws us in and compels us to buy. We are sold on an idea. The emotion that drives us is a 'want' for something better. The illusion that we can get this through buying this persons' product has won over again - even if this is the 100th time you have purchased with no results.
So where do you find this free info?
One of the best places to find it in online discussions forums. There is a place called the Warrior forum where many top internet marketers hang out. They frequently drop their 'secrets' there. And as you may have noticed, they all want to universe to realise how smart they are. If you do a Google search for internet marketing forums you will find many.
Another area to look for free info is on the blogs of internet marketers. Again, human nature dictates that we find it hard to hold back when we have an audience. Therefore, you should take advantage of this human trait to boast of their knowledge, by frequently spying on their websites, blogs and other no cost writings of the top internet marketers.
Article databases are filled with articles revealing every internet marketing strategy that has ever been thought of. Search the major databases for the particular topic you are interested in. Every database has a 'search' function to make your research all the easier.
Did you know that internet marketers frequently give away their stuff for free? If you visit any of the top marketers sites you are sure to pick up a freebie. Of course the free course is designed to entice you to buy their other products but now that you know this you won't feel so driven to buy - not!
Now that I have just revealed how you can indeed get started and continue your business without buying any info products, anyone reading this is going to take notice and do their own research, right? Wrong! Many entrepreneurs will still buy second rate products and blame unoriginal internet marketers for their own inability to find success online.
The vast majority will always buy into the dream of easy riches because the real world where you have to actually do some work is terrifying to the mind of a 'get rich quick' searcher.
The Best Work At Home Opportunity Revealed
Setting up your own home based business doesn't have to be a nightmare in lost cash and precious time. Discover how you can be earning a full-time income from home in days rather than years.The Best 4 Legitimate Work from Home Jobs
Don't lisen to all the nonsense and hype out there about how you can be earning a full-time income from the net overnight. There is no such thing as getting rich quick online. There is however, a proven, step by step process, that can teach how to make a full-time income from home in days rather than years.Free Work from Home Opportunities Revealed
Don't lisen to all the nonsense and hype out there about how you can be earning a full-time income from the net overnight. There is no such thing as getting rich quick online. There is however, a proven, step by step process, that can teach how to make a full-time income from home in days rather than years.