Researching keywords takes some time, but it is not wasted!
PPC advertising is at the same time complicated and simple.
Simple, because the entire method has a very basic structure; a visitor to a website or search engine clicks your advertising link on the page and you pay a predetermined amount.
And complicated, because the process of getting website viewers to actually click those links at a high rate is hard to do.
So to generate more website traffic through ads, you need to increase your ads click through rate, or ensure the ad is seen by more people while maintaining the current rate.
The process of getting your ad seen by more people can be difficult and can involve setting up accounts with multiple search engines, advertising networks, and content sites. If you have the means to do this, then by all means do.
However, if you want to maximize the efficiency of the pay per click advertising network you already have set up in order to increase traffic, then using the most effective keywords possible is probably a better way to go.
Which Keywords are Working?
Determining the effectiveness of your keywords may seem a daunting task, but when you have a set method, its not so complicated.
First up you need to print an analysis of the keywords you are already putting to use. Which keywords appear to have the highest success rate? Which are getting the lowest?
Take the most effective keywords and enter them into a search engine. Then have a look at the results to see how they compare to what your website offers. You'll probably see a high correlation.
Now type in the least successful keywords. Chances are, you'll see that the results are not as content similar to what you are advertising as the keywords that are more successful.
This is illustrative of a key concept in pay per click advertising: it doesn't matter how much you see the keywords as relating to your website, but rather, how much the average web user sees the keywords as relating.
A search engine is a great way to double-check the relevance of the keywords you produce to the services you offer because it provides an objective view.
Every successful PPC marketer will agree that finding the right keywords for your niche is vital when compiling PPC ads. They have established very focused systems to get the job done efficiently, and acquiring these resources will save you wasting a lot of time and money. But be sure to check the creds of these 'experts' before you invest in their methods.
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