Even a decade ago the concept of internet marketing and the use of credit cards for online shopping were unthinkable. With the advent of internet, more people have understood the convenience of shopping online, and they have started using this as the preferred mode of shopping.
Even a decade ago the concept of internet marketing and the use of credit cards for online shopping were unthinkable. With the advent of internet, more people have understood the convenience of shopping online, and they have started using this as the preferred mode of shopping. According to the latest surveys, tours and travelling industry is the most popular in the arena of online shopping. Standing second are the people shopping for lifestyle products like branded clothes, jewellery, accessories, and electronic gadgets. Even until the last decade people were comfortable with spending only a few thousand for purchasing the tickets, making hotel reservations, purchasing books, and so on.
The concept of shopping online is quite new in India, and people are still skeptical about spending money extravagantly on products that they shop online. But as we have started travelling abroad, more often than ever, we are slowly getting accustomed to the concept of online shopping, and it has started gaining momentum. Most of the e – commerce sites that are popular, are the websites that retail lifestyle products. The young generation spends their money confidently on these online stores, and this generation is very brand conscious, as they have been exposed to different places in the world. Amongst the many lifestyle e – stores available on the internet, Pepperfry has become quite popular for the different brands that it sells at affordable prices.
Amongst all the products that are available online, the sites selling apparels are more in number. The number of visitors, visiting the online stores, that sell clothes have more than doubled as compared to the last year itself. As the mobile technology has become very advanced, most of the people of our generation make use of the different apps present in their smartphones, and access internet to purchase different products online. With the advancement of 3G technology, and mobiles getting smarter than ever, the number of people visiting these online stores from their mobiles will increase further. As more people are travelling to different countries, and the mobile technology becoming advanced, online stores for lifestyle products are seeing much growth.
Most of the women love to shop for lifestyle products. As they are walking ahead in life, shoulder to shoulder with men, the women in our generation are enjoying liberation, like never before. With this the clientele in the online stores are increasing every day, and women make the chunk of this growth. The number of women online shoppers have increased so much that it has already become a point of discussion in many forums. With more and more surfing the internet and becoming economically independent, the number of women shopping online will surge forward.
Online stores have made it possible for people to compare the prices of products in different online stores, from the comfort of their homes and offices, and also get uniquely exclusive shopping and gifting ideas. This also proves beneficial for maintaining your budget while shopping to your heart’s content. Many people relish shopping for branded T- shirts, Sarees, and more expensive lifestyle products from quality online stores like Pepperfry. Now, we definitely do feel comfortable spending money for online shopping of luxury items.
Pepperfry can be visited on http://www.pepperfry.com/
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