If you have ever been curious if Project Payday is a scam or not just doing some research could let you know. It appears that as long as you stick to the rules and remember dates well you could succeed at this with little effort making some extra money.
Chance are that you've noticed the multitude of internet advertisements proclaiming that you could turn a profit of up to a few thousands of dollars a day with Project Payday. If you are speculating on whether this promotional material is legitimate or not, read on for more information.
Project Payday is a way for anyone who needs it to earn extra money online. However, it is not a method to inevitably get rich quick. You must continue to be organized and put in effort in order to make money. Upon joining you are allowed to use the private message boards on the company website. They look to be occupied with posters advertising a fashion to make money by joining their offer. Once you find one that seems worth the money, say for $50, you just contact the poster and ask for the link.
Once you receive their link you will then go to a website asking you to join a "free" trial membership or other type of offer. If you do join you merely take in your money from the person who earlier posted the ad. If it sounds too easy to be true that's because it is.
In order to sincerely make money from this site you'll definitely want to have a good calendar or PDA with an alarm. Once you sign up for an offer you usually have about a month to cancel before you are charged full price for whatever product or service you signed up for.
If you do cancel the service or ship the product back before the thirty days is up then you have made $50 or however much the offer was. If not, you haven't made any money and may even have to spend some depending on the cost of the product or service. Once you have taken a few of these offers you will be allowed to go to another set of message boards on which you can post your own enticing offers. Some offers that you will see on websites will offer to reward you with several hundreds of dollar to send about five people to them.
Once those people sign up you will get your money, minus the money for the people you promised to pay once they signed up for the offer. You will still commonly earn a few hundred dollars. As you can see it is advantageous to be the one posting the offers as you can earn yourself a few hundred dollars with no risk of being forced to hold on to a product.
Overall it appears that this website is not likely a scam as they do not ask for money, but you could end up losing money at first if you are not structured. If you are great at following directions and remembering dates then this could work for you.
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