First the internet came to enthrall people all over the world. Then, the Web 2.0 entered to excite them further.
Eventually, social networking websites came up to help us connect with everyone. Last but not the least, online shopping came in to make life easier for us.
Online shopping, though a little bumpy at the start, has enjoyed an indefinite success on the road to popularity. It made shopping effortless, convenient and economical for people all over the world. But of course people can’t be satisfied by just one thing and progress is always in demand. Thus, the next big stage in the life of internet was the blend of social networking websites with online commerce. And what happens when two such powerful tools connect? Social ecommerce is born!
Social ecommerce is how social media is used to aid online selling and buying along with the help of social interaction and engagement. So why is this internet-baby so likely to be the next big thing? One of the biggest reasons is that these social networking sites offer a really expressive platform for people to talk about products and services. People talk, as well as read about what others have to say about their experience with the product or the service and can receive a good feedback on the same. Also, since so many companies are now present on these social networking sites, it gives them an opportunity to clear any kind of doubts, suspicions or negative feedback about their products and also influence positive opinions.
Recommendations and reviews are a beneficial way of having your product described to other probable clients as it gives a clear cut picture on what the product has to offer. This is particularly more vital since people who need to touch, see or feel a product before buying it would know exactly what to expect. What people who have actually used the product, feel and say acts as a good influence to first-time buyers.
The rules and principles of social ecommerce are the same for services as for products. Public testimonies on social networking websites acts as a goof factor to promote and sell your services online. For better growth, you should even add the finer details of your deals so that people know all that they need to about you and your products or services. Social ecommerce is now becoming the new-age way of shopping today. It is a good way to know detailed information about a company by customers and thus, as a company, you should make the most of that eagerness. In the first quarter of 2011 itself, about $2 billion was invested across social ecommerce platform.
Social ecommerce has given consumers more power too. Now, they possess the power to influence other customers by discussing and giving feedback about specific products. They now own a genuine voice apart from that of the company to make or break the marketing and sales activity of the brand. They are an expert on their own and thus can influence future prospects.
Social ecommerce is ready to take the mantle for the next big thing. So make sure you have a spot on it saved for yourself.
Online Shopping in Kuwait is quite an Experience
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