Article marketing can be very powerful if you know some basic principals. Keep reading to find out exactly what you need to know.
If you've never tried article marketing before, you may be leaving a lot of money on the table. Article marketing is not only one of the easiest ways to market your products, but it is also comparatively cheap and takes very little time or skill.
So what goes into a successful article marketing campaign? There are several ingredients for success; and you will need to understand each of them, so pay attention to the following carefully.
The first ingredient for success is a relevant article topic. In order to select a relevant article topic, you will want to figure out something that a lot of people need to learn; and you will want to construct your article along these lines.
The second ingredient for success is an infusion of relevant keywords. Since article directories rank well in search engines, your article will rank well, too. Try to take advance of this by sprinkling in a number of relevant keywords that you could realistically rank #1 in Google for. With any luck, the article will capture a good amount of traffic and send it back to your site.
The third ingredient for success is a strong title. Many people write powerful articles, but neglect the title. This is easily the most important part of any article. If you cannot get people to choose your article by clicking on the title, they'll never see the rest of it.
The fourth ingredient for success is a strong call to action at the end of the article. Don't leave readers baffled or confused about what they should do next. Instead, empower them with direction; and point them towards your site.
The fifth ingredient for success is a well-planned and organized article with useful content. Yes, you could churn out articles and spam submit them, but if no one reads them, then who exactly will click through the link in your resource box? No one.
The sixth ingredient for success is a strong resource box that will convince people to follow your link. You should explain who you are; and then give a quick pitch. Rather than pitching a product, pitch a reason for why they should follow the link through to your site. If you are able to do this deftly, you'll greatly increase your chances of getting visitors.
If you followed those steps, you now have a strong article. All you need to do now is come up with a strong submission strategy and then follow it. I suggest one of two things: either submit to a bunch of directories or submit using a service that will do it for you automatically.
And there you have it: a full article marketing strategy - but condensed into a short list. All you have to do is follow these steps closely. Remember to focus on creating high-quality content, using a catchy title, sprinkling in relevant keywords, and creating a resource box that will actually make people want to know more about you and your products.
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