Website content that helps your site visitors learn something new will show them just how knowledgeable you are about your business and the market. By creating content that is user friendly and audience specific, you will show that you are genuinely interested in your site visitors and customers.
How many times have you gone to a website, only to discover that the content was filled with nonsense phrases and words that seemed to be repeated over and over? While this website may have been up in the search engine ranks; the content was weak and probably turned off other visitors as well. If you're concerned that your website might not be making the best first impression, you need to learn the secrets to creating strong website content that people will actually want to read. Here's what you need to know.
Find Out What People Want to Read
Instead of simply posting articles that include a lot of keywords, you need to determine what your customers are looking to read about. Whether it's current issues related to your product and services or perhaps it's a problem that your product or service addresses, those are topics that you want to include on your website. These articles will show that you want to help your website visitors, not just sell to them. To find relevant topics, you can head to your favorite search engine and type in your market category and 'news.' You will find a number of listings of things that are being discussed by others in your market that you can turn into article topics.
You might also want to look at your competitor's website to see what articles they are including. These should help you in brainstorming for new article topics, as you don't want to copy their ideas, but you can 'borrow' these ideas for new articles.
Find Someone to Write It All Down
Since most business owners don't have the time to write their own articles for their websites, nor do they feel confident in their writing abilities, you will want to hire a professional copywriter to do this for you. By heading to freelance writing websites (Elance, Guru, etc.), you will be able to post the job that you need done (as in the number of articles, topics, and other details) to see who will bid on your job and then pick a person to complete the work. Since many of these professionals are already well-versed in writing for websites, they can often give you an edge as they already know what readers want to read.
Keep Your Content Fresh
You should continue to update your website content on a monthly basis to show your website visitors that you care about what they are reading and that you are current on the topics that might interest them. You may want to brainstorm a list of fifty topics and then have a freelance writer work on a few of these for each week until you begin to get a sense of what else your visitors want. Take time to read the reports as to what visitors are searching for when they find your site as well as to read the comments that site visitors leave to see if you can address their concerns.
Talk to Your Visitors
Generally speaking, you want to make sure your website content is also suitable for the visitors you hope to attract. That is, if you are trying to connect with a younger market, you will want to use casual language and maybe a little slang. If you are targeting a more conservative market, your language should be more conservative. Always keep in mind the reader you are addressing and be sure they can understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.
With these ideas, you can write new website content that is going to get noticed – and read!
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