Starting a new business or investing in a new venture often involves waiting. Waiting for everything to come together, overcoming the seemingly never-ending "glitches," the inevitable delays. It can all take a toll. Pretty soon you find yourself just waiting.
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"God has the tough end of the deal. What if instead of planting the seed you had to make the tree? That would keep you up late at night, trying to figure that one out." Jim Rohn
Starting a new business or investing in a new venture often involves waiting. Waiting for everything to come together, overcoming the seemingly never-ending "glitches," the inevitable delays. It can all take a toll. Pretty soon you find yourself just waiting.
The danger of waiting on business is that you can find yourself putting your whole life on hold. Pretty soon you are saying, "Well, we can't do this until next month" or "we can't do that for a couple more months." It seem like you can't do anything. You can become paralyzed and depressed. You can even start to think that maybe it is not worth it and you should just quit.
There are some things you can do to get past this particular dangerous phase. First and probably foremost, concentrate on what you can do instead of what you can't do. Maybe it is something to do with the business, maybe it is something personal. Whatever it is, go ahead and do it. You will feel like you have accomplished something and it will keep you mind off other problems.
Second, find things are working in your life. It may be something small, losing a pound or two or an accomplishment of one of your kids, even parts of the business that have come together. Remember, as long as you are making progress, you will get there eventually.
Third, do something for yourself. That may be as simple as dressing up for the day. Maybe taking some time for yourself to do something you like. Maybe read a book or even watch a television show. What it is doesn't matter as long it is something you enjoy. I don't feel guilty about it!
Fourth, take some time. Laboring under the stress of starting something new without taking some quiet time to relax and reflect can cloud your judgment. All you will see is problems. Some solutions to those problems maybe in your head, but they are being crowded out by the hundreds of details and problems. Relaxing and taking some time clear your head can give you ideas and motivation that you didn't even know you had.
Many people give up right before the payoff. Probably because it seems like the most problems happen before it all comes together. In show business, they say that if you have a bad rehearsal you will have a good performance. Sometimes the same is true in business. Don't give up, don't lose faith in your idea or product, and keep your eye on the prize.
Recipe for Trouble:Documentation (or Lack Thereof)
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