Thinking about starting up a business? The web is the way to go. Look around! More and more, people are relying on the internet as an information resource, a way to foster personal relationships, and method of purchasing goods and services.
What would you think if you received a business inquiry from an unfamiliar company, and you looked them up on the internet to find they had no website? They’d seem a little behind the times, wouldn’t they? They might even come across as slightly unprofessional. It would take away from their credibility, to see that they had no presence on the world wide web.
Likewise: if you own your own business or are thinking of starting one, the first place you should put your name is the internet. Why? It’s the cheapest method of advertising that gets you the most exposure... and it’s a way to present your offer to the world without ever leaving the house.
The web is reputation that builds on itself. It’s a potential buyer sitting at home, typing your specialty into a Google search, and seeing your company pop up. It’s your own website URL getting forwarded on via email. It’s someone in a chat forum passing your good name along because you gave them a bit of thoughtful advice.
The web is your own portable office space, and it’s practically rent-free.
Now you’re probably thinking "Hey that sounds great... but I don’t know how to create a website! And who has the time?"
I have the time. I make the time, because I love what I do. I write web copy. I talk with people who want to increase their exposure and grow their businesses. I take the time to learn about them and what they do. And then I wrap it all up in a neat, organized information package, and turn it into a professional portfolio that showcases the best of everything they have to offer the world. Web advertising really works. I should know. It’s what I use to run my own business.
Part of the trick of web advertising is positioning. You want to speak to your audience in a way that 1) identifies their needs, and then 2) positions your company as having the solution. It’s not a lie; it’s just a strategic way of presenting yourself. If you do it right, it can one-up you over the next guy. How so? Putting out a quality product is only half the secret to being a successful seller. The other half is communication: in the right manner, and to the right people. I can develop an athletic shoe that will enable you to run 15 miles, but if I can't convince people that they might want to run 15 miles, I may as well not have created it. I can revolutionize a way to speed-cook chicken, but if I'm telling my story to vegetarians, it ain't worth a cluck!
Now that we’ve covered the basics of effective advertising: the time has come to build a reputation for yourself on the web! Remember that movie, Field of Dreams? If you build it, they will come. A website, that is. The current state of our economy is increasingly driving today’s professional to seek options beyond the corporate job as a way to sustain income - and especially, to make use of their talents and expertise! Web-based businesses are hot. Free enterprise is exploding... and everywhere you roam, inspired entrepreneurs are eager to share their newfound knowledge. There’s a lot of cameraderie happening, and networking with potential buyers has never been easier or more productive.
What will tomorrow bring? Your guess is as good as mine. But what I can tell you is this: if you've got a head for business, today is your day to shine! Make the web your window of opportunity while the going is good. If you don’t... you may miss out on the chance of a lifetime!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. Use with permission.
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