There are many ways to make money being online, and whether you succeed or not could depend upon you choosing a method that suits your particular tale...
There are many ways to make money being online, and whether you succeed or not could depend upon you choosing a method that suits your particular talents. Let's have a look at two or three of the various types of program used by people in their own online businesses and try to find the one most likely to make you a wealthy marketer that will allow you a freedom that you never dream you could ever have of being a wealthy marketer.
Internet marketing is a vast topic, and there are literally thousands of different ways to make money on the internet. One of the common is affiliate marketing, whereby you pass prospects to another marketer's sales page, and receive a commission for every sale made. This could be as much as 50% of the sales price, or even more.
In affiliate marketing, you do not actually try to sell the product, but use promotional material provided to you by the marketer to attract likely prospects to your own website. You then pre-sell the product by means of, for example, a good review and provide a link to the merchant's sales page to let them do the selling.
The benefit of affiliate marketing is that you don't have to sell the product, take any money or even deal with complaints. Sometimes you don't even need a website, but if you want to succeed big time in affiliate marketing, it is better to have one. You can find affiliate programs by simple Googling using the term. Alternatively, go to and check out their 'marketplace'.
Another of the common ways to make money online is through network marketing. Also called multi-level marketing, or MLM, these programs allow you to make money both by selling products and by recruiting others into the program. If you enter into such a program, such as the Wealthy Marketer program, check out the number of levels to which commission is paid. If it is more than two levels, then it might not be as lucrative as it seems, since most of the money will be filtering itself upwards away from you.
Two levels are fine, and allow those that actually make the sales, and recruit the members, to receive a reasonable return for their efforts. Too many levels means that those further down the line earn less and less. Your down line, or those that you have been responsible for recruiting, is important to you, and unless they are receiving a decent return, they will have little incentive to sell product and recruit others.
Another way you can use to make money on the internet is through directly selling products on your own website. Many people find that this suits them, especially if they have their own product to sell, or a service to offer. This can be hard work however, since you have to set up your site, write a sales letter for the product, have some means of accepting credit card payments, deliver the product and handle any questions or complaints. You also have to offer a guarantee.
Although this works for many internet marketers, it might not be for you unless you have a good product to sell. Most people new to internet marketing don't have a product yet, and so start off with affiliate marketing which is easier. Affiliate marketing is a good place to start earning money online, but you might find network marketing easier for a first home business. All you have to do is register with the program, use the free website given to you to sell the product and recruit others into it.
Some programs offer you two websites: one to sell and the other to recruit, and you can make money both ways. There are those that find it easier to sell products online than to persuade others to join the program, while others prefer to persuade friends to join up and make money themselves.
Of these three ways to make money online, you will likely find one that suits your particular skills best, whether it is affiliate marketing or a network marketing program to be a wealthy marketer. Whichever it is, always keep one thing in mind. Hard work brings success. There is no such thing as getting rich quick, or even overnight. It can be a hard slog to start with, but it gets easier every day, and once you are used to using the particular techniques you will learn in your online home business, then you will be closer to being able to get rich quick with any new ventures you choose to set up.
Best Regards, Carl Hartley
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