Here is how to become an expert freelancer and get more projects your way.
If you are considering the world of freelance writing, you may want to consider a few aspects of the trade that have very little to do with writing. Being able to write well is just the first step in becoming a freelance writer. The biggest item on the list of considerations, to becoming a freelance writer, is finding getting and keeping the work.
It helps to be a know-it-all
The internet is one of those wonders that opens up a world unto itself. Freelance writing means understanding how to tap this wealth of supposed knowledge quickly. The faster you can figure out where valid information lies the faster you can begin writing. If you have a basic knowledge about many things, as in many not just more then most, you will be able to ferret out information more quickly. This wording, "many things", is important because making money as a freelance writer means writing about some very odd things.
Knowing the different channels
Understanding what kind of writing you are good at is a key part of being successful as a freelance writer. It tells you where to look for work and increases the chances of getting and keeping work. If you're good with advertising copy you need to be aware of who is offering work and where. If you are better at business writing or magazine writing you need to be aware of who is offering that kind of work and where. In many instances, you may find that you are good at a particular writing style/form but hate writing it. In the world of freelance you have to just suck it up for the moment and do it until the style you enjoy comes along and pays. Each type of freelance writing is different and requires different tactics.
Know the different markets, voices and styles
As each type of freelance writing is different, you should be able to write in the style and voice that is expected for that particular form. The thing to remember in finding the work is that you have to be able to satisfy a world of readers; not just US real estate people, fashionistas, computer hackers or UK engineers. Everybody must be satisfied with words they can understand in a form they understand.
Pick a primary market and expand
Once you've found a market and style that you can expect a steady flow of work from, make it your base and begin looking for that style and form you would rather be writing in. The big thing is to just keep writing.
Write allot even if for free
The biggest secret in freelance writing is to keep you fingers moving at any cost. Even a few days off will find your mind and fingers starting to get stale. If you get a job writing about Outer Mongolian Yaks, write a solid piece about them even if you're going to be paid in yak droppings.
Get fast and get good
The reasoning behind keeping your fingers moving, at any cost, is to get fast in your writing and research. The more quality work and research you can turn out in the time allotted, the more money you can make. Quality is important, but when it comes down to it freelance is a piece work trade.
Be available
Once you have found a few clients that send you work on a regular basis make sue that you are available to them when they get into a bind. After you become established, the freelance world become a bit of a; you scratch my back/I'll scratch yours world. Unfortunately, as a freelancer, you tend to do most of the scratching but don't be afraid to ask for a scratch every now and again.
Make deadlines
If you want to stay working, always make your deadlines. The quickest way to fall out of the assignment loop is to miss a deadline. If your client doesn't get paid, in whatever form, you won't find work in your in-box.
Never underestimate your worth
Sometimes you will need to work for less then you feel your worth. But, you will never get to what you think your worth unless you ask. Once you feel you are at a good stable work flow ask for what you feel you're worth. All the client can do is say no. Once you start getting work that pays better, you can start accepting fewer jobs from those that pay less.
Work on internet speak and etiquette
Understand that the person on the other end of the e-mail doesn't know you or your quirks. Stick to the straight and narrow until they get a feel for your work. Keeping the work coming your way is the most important thing to consider. All it takes is one or two missteps and the assignments may stop coming your way.
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