How can your autoresponder improve your love life? Use your autoresponder for proper time management with 3 important ratios.
What are the two things every woman wants? Okay, not that. How about your time and your money. Every woman, spouse, partner, lover, etc. wants more of your time and more of your money. How can your autoresponder help you provide more of your time and money and improve your love life?
If you are an internet or network marketer or trying to make money online, it's virtually impossible without an autoresponder. After all, can you answer each and every email inquiry, on a timely basis, regarding your business? I think not. This would be way too overwhelming and not good time management.
Time Management using Autoresponders
If you are an internet marketer you may suffer from withdrawals when you're away from your laptop or your computer. Trying to run an internet business and carry on a relationship to an unsupporting spouse or partner can be devastating. Most people will put down or degrade what they don't understand. If you are in this predicament, relax. There is a solution. It's called effective use of your time using your autoresponder.
If you are relatively new to the internet marketing world, don't fret. Using an autoresponder is actually fairly easy, can be fun, and is your most important internet marketing tool, in my opinion. Your autoresponder is simply your tool to handle your email marketing. It can be preloaded with pre-written messages sent out immediately or at set times and dates to respond to your business inquiries and provide timely information to potential customers.
If your autoresponder is handling your email then that leaves more time for your spouse or partner on a Friday or Saturday night. While your out with your loved one, make sure your autoresponder is equipped to track the following 3 very important ratios.
1. Open Rate.
I would suggest you keep your email marketing campaigns relatively simple. Your autoresponder should be setup with at least 30-60 days of pre-recorded, time sensitive content messages to handle your email marketing campaign. For every email that your autoresponder sends, it should be able to track how many of the emails were actually opened (open rate).
The open rate ratio is simply the number of emails sent divided by the number of emails opened. If your ratio is relatively low (1-2%), then you know where to focus your attention. A low open rate, to me, would mean a poor or non-attention grabbing subject line. Look for ways to improve your headlines to get more of your emails opened.
2. Opt-in Rate.
Your opt-in rate is simply the number of emails sent divided by the number of email recipients that opted in (provided email address) to your offer. If you pay attention to your open rate in 1 above, the very first thing someone has to do before opting in is actually opening your email. Then, provided your offer is intriguing, they will provide their email address. The key here is to provide an 'irresistible offer' or something that will benefit your recipient.
Try to put yourself in their position if you were receiving that email. Would your offer benefit you? Would you provide your email address in exchange for your offer?
3. Conversion Rate.
Your conversion rate is where the rubber meets the road. Your conversion rate is why you are involved in internet marketing in the first place. Your conversion rate is the sale. The number of emails sent divided by the number of sales. This ratio is the lifeblood of your business. A low conversion rate will tell me that my product needs improving, or my sales page needs tweaking, or my price/value is not appropriate.
Using the number of conversions or sales combined with the number of opt-ins and emails actually opened can be very enlightening as well.
Using these three ration in your business will help you become more efficent with your time, money and love life.
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