Discover how to write high quality articles for profit. Simple guide for article marketers
Writing quality articles is an excellent way to attract more traffic to your website. There are numerous other techniques, of course, but they can mount up your out-of-pocket costs. Writing and submitting articles actually falls under the category of PR and publicity, but whatever you refer to it as, articles that you write and submit can be a free or low-cost method of attracting important e-business. Here are some important considerations.
1. Know who you are writing for
It's very important to know who you are writing for. The subject must address the interest of your readers. And the copy must have the right "tonality" for the audience is well. You also need to know whether you should be formal, casual or business oriented. As an example, if you are writing for electronics engineers, you should address them in the technical language they relate to. If you are writing for athletes, their interest must be addressed. There are exceptions, too. Reader's Digest articles are always written for the widest possible reader interests because the magazine cuts across every possible area of human life.
2. Think out your article before you start
You should have a pretty good idea of what you are going to write about before you ever touch your keyboard. Many writers believe the best way is to prepare an actual outline of the planned piece. Others think about it for a long time, but when they sit down at the computer, the article just smoothly flows from brain to fingertips. There are still others who like to put key phrases on Post-It notes and paste them on the wall for "ticklers" that prompt ideas. It really doesn't matter which method you use but it does help to think out the article before you begin.
3. Don't overuse language
There are those writers who think that "dazzling" the reader with their extensive vocabulary is the way to go. It isn't! You should resist any impules to get overly wordy and use all those big words most people don't understand. The exception is in technical writing, where all those big words are absolutely required to convey the thoughts. As a general rule, keep it simple and straightforward.
4. Don't get carried away with slang or jargon
Slang and jargon tend to be regional and easily misunderstood by people from other places. It's a better idea to keep youir language at the level that's most suited to the majority of your audience.
5. Use proper sentence structure
The proper syntax makes a difference to readability and comprehension. If you are a professional writer, you already understand this. Granted, people from different geographical areas have different accents and ways of expressing themselves, but you will be well advised to keep your copy as straightforward as you can.
6. Don't get carried away with long sentences
Anyone who has worked as an editor can tell you that this is the biggest sin they come across. There are those who write sentences so long that they can't read them aloud without pausing to tare a breath. Overly-long sentences make readability difficult. Use short sentences and don't forget punctuation marks exist for a good reason, because they can change meanings and provide important pauses. If you can convey a single idea in five or six word, don't use fifteen.
7. Don't change words
There are many words that just can't be changed from their dictionary form, so don't try. For example, you can't really modify the word "unique" by adding very in front of it. There are no degrees of uniqueness.
8. Try to use comparitive suffixes
Like ('est) It's better, for example, to say happiest instead of "more happy", prettier instead of more pretty.
It's worth saying a few words about the importance of how you market articles you write. Articles are a great way to promote your website and get extra exposure for your products and services. You can submit them to online publishers like e-Zines and others. However, you will get few, if any, accepted for publication unless they are properly written. Review some online publishing sites for yourself and take careful note of how the articles are written and styled for publication. You will discover that the eight tips above are actually used in many of those articles.
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