What Drives the Blog Reader Away?
Gaining the loyalty of the blog reader is the first and a major step towards the success of any blogging platform. Read on to see 5 'innocent' mistakes many blogging sites commit however that actually drive visitors away but can be easily fixed!
Gaining the loyalty of the blog reader is the first and a major step towards the success of any blogging platform. In fact when building a blog the priority MUST be to satisfy any visitors new or returning leaving ad placement or even search engine optimization a distant second! It's all about maintaining a steady stream of traffic and as most successful blogging sites already know,

this requires satisfying people with easy to read and useful information. Some sites however still struggle to attract loyal readers and you may be one of them.
Here is a look at 5 'innocent' mistakes many blogging sites are guilty of that actually drive visitors away but can be easily fixed if you so desire!
Too Many Ads
It's OK to monetize your blogging platform but do not go overboard! People do not normally visit blogs looking for something to buy therefore when they encounter a site littered with ads their first impulse is to leave! You can not build a strong readership this way!
Infrequent Posting
What people do visit blogging sites for is new and interesting information about a particular interest of theirs. If you do not keep your platform updated on a regular basis, people will stop coming by looking for fresh content!
Veering Off Target
When building a blog you want to clearly establish upon launch what the theme of your site is or the niche that is your focus. Now visitors will come to recognize your blogging platform as a source for content pertaining to the niche or theme you have based it upon. When you begin to post updates with little or no relevance to the original theme you WILL lose readers and along with that any referrals as well!
Lack of Insight
Let's face it what makes most content unique is the insight the author adds to the content. The most successful blogging sites normally present their content in a unique manner or at least in a way that provokes thought. Never be afraid to offer your opinions or insight since the worst that can happen is people will disagree and therefore voice their own instead. Interaction on a site like this is always something you want to strive for and what attracts many visitors. This leads us to the next point...
Not Allowing Comments
Always remember a blogging platform is also suppose to be a social site where visitors can leave comments and exchange ideas! This is what has made them so popular and effective in terms of marketing online. Always allow comments if you expect to maintain a continual flow of traffic! If you do not want to allow others to comment on your blog then a website is probably a good choice for you!
Is your blog reader happy? You likely will know it by the amount of traffic you get to your blogging platform. As the discussion above has pointed out there are certain 'minor' yet crucial mistakes many blogging sites make that actually drive visitors away. Always remember that by focusing in on the satisfaction of the people who visit your site you will experience much better success building a blog people love to visit. Use the discussion above as a checklist to see how you can make some quick adjustments that will help increase traffic to your blogging platform as early as today!