... to ... the most growth in US Internet users was people over 65, and "by ... ... Here's some more from the latest ... Older adults (50-64) and seniors (65+) we
According to CyberAtlas.com, the most growth in US Internet users was people over 65, and "by staggering margins". Here's some more from the latest surveys.
1. Older adults (50-64) and seniors (65+) were two of the fastest emerging demographic groups online. (Jupiter Research)
2. Roughly 17 million US surfers during September 2003 were between the ages of 2 and 17.
3.High earners spend the most time online.
4.Like manna from heaven, comScoreMediaMetrix found that those earning above $100,000 annually spent the most time online and viewed the most pages.
Nearly 84% of them visited a retail site. They are 20% more likely to visit a travel site than the average Internet user, and they’re 10% more likely to visit news sites.
5.Where are all the men 18-34 no longer watching network tv (according to reports? Studies are suggesting they're online! Men in this age group spend 17% more time online and really rip through a whole lot more pages.
6.A group called the “Tech Elite”, 31% of the US population, consumes the most information, goods and services and they are the most likely to abandon televisions and landline phones.
They’re defined as
a.The “Young Tech Elites”, average age 22, account for 20% of highest adopters
b.“Older Wired Baby Boomers,” average age 52, also 20%
c.“Wired GenXers,” average age 36, at 60%
7.Re: email in the US, 39% of African-Americans and 39% of Hispanics use it on any given day, compared to 54% of white Internet users. (Source: Pew Internet and American Life Project)
8.However, it’s the Hispanics who like to IM. 64% said they used IM, while only 46% of whites and 46% of blacks said “yes”.
9.Hispanics lead in chat room usage. 40% participate in chat room discussion, compared to 35% of blacks, and 22% of whites.
10.Married people spend more money online (Nielsen/NetRatings) and use the Internet functionally, whereas singles use it for recreation and socializing.
52% of married surfers made an online purchase during the last six months, while only 47% of single surfers did.
Married folks bought homey things, like bedding, garden supllies and educational software. Singles bought things for entertainment, and financial services.
Top destination for singles was Match. Com, and for married, FamilyFun.com.
Source of data unless otherwise listed is CyberAtlas.com.