If you are considering building your own internet marketing website, generating traffic will be crucial to your success. The wizards that have been included in XSitePro2 will add a touch of polish and professionalism.
Compiling relevant content is one of the biggest concerns for both novice and experienced webmasters. One of the best and most highly regarded website building programs, XSitePro, has just launched a new version that addresses this problem. It makes the creation of advanced content child's play with the magic of wizards. These are a series of easy to follow menu items that automatically insert your choice of content wherever on your page you want.
For example, let's say that you have a great promotional video of you product and you want to share it with your customers. Well, just open up the Video Wizard and it will walk you through the process step by step. There is also an Audio Wizard for any sound effects or music you want to add.
Make Forms Work for You - The addition of audio and video to your website is a good step in the right direction, but if you want a real professional site, then this fantastic program has a few other helpful Wizards to lift your site to the next level. The Forms Wizard is a crucial tool in creating quality name-grab forms that can automatically submit all information to you via e-mail. Not only are the forms a breeze to setup, but they will help you gain invaluable insight into types of people that visit your site!
Harness the Power of RSS - Yet another great Wizard available from this powerful program addresses one of the big problems on the web: providing fresh content. And once you have added new content, what methods do you use to let your customers know to come back? The answer is served on a platter: the RSS Feed Wizard.
This Wizard makes it easy to add RSS content to your site. Of course the Wizard is easy to use, but XSitePro also provides its users with hundreds of pre-supplied feeds, as well as the ability to create one themselves! Simply choose the RSS feed you like and, with the click of a button, your website now has continually refreshed content!
And if that wasn't enough..... The new version of the program, now also provides Wizards for smaller tasks that can add a professional veneer to your site. To add that little touch of individuality to your website, the Widgets Wizard is employed to allow you to choose from a huge list of enhanced scripts.
Here are just a few of the enhanced scripts that the new version puts at your fingertips:
- Add To Favorites buttons
- Title Scrollers
- Open Page in New Window options
- Image Rollover
- Print Page
- Close Window
- Time of Day
- Current Date
- Random Quotes
- and Lots More!
Especially in the internet marketing world, these 'little extras' can mean a whole lot when generating website traffic is your goal.
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