15 ideas to work kindness with children
It seems very clear and clear that we all want our children to be first and foremost good, but when it comes to the truth when we start to help a child grow there are many nuances that escape us. HR academia
For this reason,
we offer 15 ideas to work kindness with children, a very important value that should be part of a good education in values.
Healthy learning for children
Academic learning is important, but sometimes we have so much pressure from outside for this, that we forget the most important thing that THE GOOD CHILD IS happier. If we develop above all its virtues, it will be successful in the other areas because they increase their attention, comprehension, retention capacities ... Fundamentally, they increase their desire to learn, work and know, and at the moment of truth all these factors are fundamental for a healthy learning
It is striking that many people with a high intelligence quotient, but poor emotional aptitudes, handle life worse than others of the modest intellectual quotient, but who have learned to develop other skills.
Much of goodness consists in wanting to be good and there, with respect to small children, we play with a fundamental advantage: EVERYONE WANTS TO BE GOOD AND CONVINCED THAT THEY ARE.
Ideas to work the value of kindness with children
To work goodness first and foremost, as in everything, is the example. Children have to see and feel that we, their main models, also strive to be good, because they are better people every day. The kindness is a virtue that is based on firmness, insecurity, in the fortress. It cannot be confused with the weakness of character, the tranquility, the "Pechora", then leaving in the other, the typical "good-natured". Goodness is a matter of habits, it is an attitude that is reinforced by practice.
15 ideas to work kindness with children
- Help him to value what he has. Take the opportunity to teach them the importance of compassion and concern for others. They can do much for their neighbor; They can give alms with affection and offer things that cost them during the day.
- Help him look out from the inside. For this, it is important to approach them little by little to deeper habits of piety, with adequate explanations. This way you can increase your capacity to love, to understand, to do good to others.
- Work empathy. We can teach them from very young to console to learn to put themselves in the place of the other.
- Instill generosity from freedom, respecting their times and their age. Many times, when asking our children to share we move more social concerns, we force you to leave your things to a child who may not even be playing (or even has previously removed as if nothing). It is very different if we encourage you to leave it "in a little while", to share it together because surely he/she can use it with others, without having to let go of everything and suddenly.
- Help them to look at good models, forming their criteria. By the age of 4, they start to be very social, they focus much more on their peers and their behaviors, so we can ask them if they know who is the best child in their class and why it looks like it. When a conflict occurs, do not show too much interest in who has been "guilty" and when they tell us to let them see that they can help the other to be better.
- Explain the reason for things, making them see that those who know and love the most are their parents and want the best for them.
- Occupy time in good, enriching activities, forming their sensitivity. There are no bad children, there are bored children, but we cannot be obsessed with their activities. The excess of experiences and "social life" when they are small does not enrich them anymore, it is better than everything is lived in its moment. When a child is provided with a calm, orderly and cheerful environment, it has more capacity to behave better and is more prepared to enjoy exceptional or different moments.
- Treat their feelings well, respecting them, helping them with their own knowledge. It is very important to teach them to verbalize what they feel, spending a lot of time listening and earning their trust., in this way they will learn to communicate better. Let them know our own, what it costs us, what we expect, how we feel and thus know our control, our effort.
- Teach them to ask for forgiveness and to forgive, and we too. And when we receive it from them they feel that it is a blur and a new account, a restart with the same illusion and love.
- Change our language, the way to address them, how to scold them, correct them, reward them. They should always listen to what we expect from them, how much we love them, how great they are.
- Use many more words and gestures loving, tender, close and not only when we want to congratulate or reward. They are very important and effective the sudden affection, those of "because yes", in moments in which they are calm, without doing special things.
- Bring goodness to everyday act: purchase, help at home (to do so for others), meals, provide stories and movies with messages and share them with them, birthdays ...
- Give your time and your things. Inculcate how nice it is to have details with others and how good it is to be happy with the joys of others. Teach them to love and respect the people who teach and care for them.
- Tell them, at your height, the problems, and sufferings of others, starting with the closest people and take them while we offer it at different times of the day, especially those that cost us the most.
- Explain the importance of greeting and smiling. But, you do not need to demand that you kiss a known person if you do not want to.
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