An accredited online schools is the main thing you need to look at when applying for a college online or on-campus because, if the schools accreditation isn't licensed by the state, then the degree you pay for could be worthless. The accreditation can be revoked in the event the school's educational quality drops, so your research as to whether or not
An accredited online schools is the main thing you need to look at when applying for a college online or on-campus because, if the schools accreditation isn't licensed by the state, then the degree you pay for could be worthless. Accreditation means that the school is recognized by an authority as having a certain educational quality.
The accreditation can be revoked in the event the school's educational quality drops, so your research as to whether or not your college or university is accredited should take its current status into consideration, as well as its historical status. Accredited online schools is a status awarded to a program that has been carefully reviewed and found to meet or exceed stated standards of quality in educational practice. Programs accredited by NAACLS must exhibit integrity and responsibility when publicizing their status in promotional literature, brochures, catalogues, letters and official publications. But, prospective students and parents must conduct a background research to make sure that a particular school is accredited by the appropriate agency. Most all accredited online schools utilize advancing technology to expose the student to course work required for the degree.
This includes televised classes, online chat, emailed assignments and online classrooms. Students will predominantly use the Internet to learn their studies and submit assignments. Some course work will require group assignments that can be facilitated through email or via instant messaging systems and chat rooms. Students can have the same classroom exposure without having to leave the comfort of their home or office. So, before undertaking a program, make sure that it is available through accredited online universities. Do not fall victim to scams offering degrees in a short period of time, usually for a lot of money. Not only are these offers a scam, they can also be illegal.
For example: accredited online schools offer Masters degree as an entry level degree. Non-accredited schools may offer certificate or other degrees. Also, accredited online schools can offer federal government-guaranteed student loans that covers the full tuition and money for living. So keep that in mind specifically! Only accredited online universities offer the course load and actual knowledge to help you attain a legitimate degree. Remember that while online courses are designed to take into account work experience and can be convenient to attend, they still require effort and time.
Typically, accredited online schools do not ask an incoming student, "What have you learned and achieved?" but rather, "What school did you go to." If the student names a school that has kept its accrediting dues paid up; he will receive credit for his work in that school. The Internet is a valuable tool to help in searching for accredited online universities.
Not only will you be able to get a list of universities, you will be able to research each one and get a feel for the work required, tuition and educational philosophy.
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