Best Way to Make Thesis for Marketing Degree with AI

May 28


Viola Kailee

Viola Kailee

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There are all kinds of degrees you can get that are exceedingly useful in the modern world. Marketing has to be at the top of that list. There are many types of careers you can get into if you have this particular credential. However, the classes you’ll take to reach that goal can be challenging.

You might find you’re saying to yourself “writing my college coursework is too challenging,Best Way to Make Thesis for Marketing Degree with AI Articles and I need help. Is there a service that will do this for money?” There are indeed such services, and if you Google phrases like “write my paper online” or “write papers for me,” you can quickly find some of the best ones.

However, hiring a ghostwriter from these websites costs money, and you might only have a limited amount to spare. That’s especially true if you don’t have a partial scholarship or a full ride to your chosen institution of higher learning. What other options do you have?

Whether you’ve found a spot at one of the best universities in London, Paris, Tokyo, or some other major metropolitan city, you should know about creating a thesis for your marketing degree with help from artificial intelligence. There are bespoke tools on the market now that can easily assist you in this endeavor, and we will talk about them in the following article.

The Basics

You probably know what AI is by now, even if you have not experimented with it personally. You don’t have to go any further than Googling something before you see it in action. 

Artificial intelligence helps this popular search engine generate an answer to whatever it was you were looking for. You can also see this new technology in action in many other places throughout your daily life. 

How can you best harness it when writing a thesis, though? Essentially, what you’ll want to do is:

  • Select the topic that you’re going to write about
  • Identify the areas where you feel you need the most assistance
  • Choose which tool you are going to use

Let’s break down each of these steps in a little more detail.

How to Choose Your Topic

Selecting and developing the idea you’re going to be writing about comes with plenty of challenges and pitfalls. The first thing you’ll need to do is think about the particular areas having to do with your niche in which you have an interest. Marketing is such a huge and varied field, and there are dozens of areas having to do with it that merit creating a thesis-length paper. You might choose to focus on:

  • Components that improve brand performance
  • How to market using social media
  • Negative effects of advertising on particular demographics
  • The ever-changing landscape of SEO
  • Branding and customer satisfaction

You can also talk to some professors if you’re having trouble narrowing down your list of ideas. They might be able to get you pointed in the right direction. Once you have landed on an idea that works for both you and your instructors, you can get to work.

Figure Out the Areas Where You Need Help

Next, you’ll need to determine the specific parts of this paper with which you need the most assistance. You can’t afford to do a sloppy job with this assignment. Your thesis is the most vital piece of homework that you will ever work on. Doing a poor job on it virtually guarantees you will not get the degree for which you have worked so hard.  

Every paper of this nature starts with an outline. From there, you will need to come up with a theory that you are trying to prove or an idea on which you are trying to expound. 

You will gather academic sources to back up your theory. You will also do your own research and collect empirical data that will add credence to your argument. 

The reality is that you can use artificial intelligence to aid you with some of these steps, and others you will have to do on your own. That might frustrate you a bit, but at this point in its development, AI should not be seen as the ultimate, foolproof solution to any academic task. It should be a helper, not a tool that does your entire assignment for you. 

Probably, the way that artificial intelligence can help you the most with this kind of task is by spotlighting the most pertinent pieces of academic writing that you can use to back up your theory. Instead of having to sift through countless articles, you can instruct one of these bespoke models to do it for you. The next question, though, is which one you should use.

Selecting the Tool That Can Assist You Best

There are a ton of different options if you want this kind of aid from AI. They include:

  • Grammarly
  • QuillBot
  • Typeset
  • Texti
  • Wiseo
  • Writefull
  • JustDone

Each one of these is a bespoke model, meaning that no two of them are exactly the same. They all serve slightly different purposes, but they also have a similarity: they each use some form of NLP and ML. These are shorthand for Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

NLP is used to assist with reviewing literature. It can also check grammar and generate various kinds of content. ML can help you with citations, enable better data analysis, and also provide the most personalized research recommendations to individuals in academia. 

This means that any of these tools should be able to help you with the referencing and formatting that are such a huge part of these types of assignments. The one thing you need to keep in mind is that you can’t completely turn the project over to these handy helpers. Instead, you must remember that you’re the primary author, while these are merely supportive tools meant to guide you on your way.   

Check Every Reference Your Chosen Tool Gave You

After you have picked a topic, done as much of the work as you can on your own, and then selected an AI tool to help, you can experiment with using it in various ways. For instance, it might:

  • Create dynamic, interactive visualizations when you present your finished work to your professors
  • Recommend various articles and papers that can help as you get closer to concluding your project
  • Format and automate your citations
  • Detect any plagiarism that might appear in your work
  • Improve the general quality of your writing by checking for spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors
  • Identify trends, correlations, and patterns that might appear in your research

While all of this sounds very useful, be mindful that these tools are works in progress. Even when they reach a point where their creators say they are ready to be released into the public marketplace, they are not perfect, and they are not infallible. 

In fact, artificial intelligence, at least the current varieties, are somewhat infamous for fabricating articles, sources, and so forth. It’s not to say that they will all do this, or that they will do it all the time. It simply means that you can’t take the AI at its word without double checking everything that it tells you.

Some professors won’t want you using this kind of tool. If you decide to do it anyway, do so at your own risk. If you’re going to get caught, though, it’s probably because you didn’t verify information your helper gave you. 

By confirming all data the AI gave you and combining your own writing and research with what it helped you create, you’ll always stand the best chance of receiving a passing grade.

Resources list:

  1. (2024). AI for thesis writing — Unveiling 7 best AI tools. Retrieved from
  2. (2024). 370+ marketing research topics & ideas for your paper. Retrieved from
  3. Coursera. (2024). What is artificial intelligence? Definition, uses, and types. Coursera. Retrieved from
  4. Smith, J. (2021). Artificial intelligence: Foundations and applications. Cambridge University Press.
  5. Johnson, E. (2022). Marketing research and AI integration. Routledge.