Applying to College with extra curricular activities
When students apply to College with extra curricular activities needs more attention towards the choice of College.
Parents will try nearly anything to get their child into his college of choice. Today it is important that students have a competitive edge against the other candidates to stand out. Grades,

test scores and course selections are important, but extra curricular activities are essential when applying to college.
There is no formula as to what will definitely get a student into his first choice school, but here are some tips to keep in mind when considering which extra-curricular activities to tackle.
When choosing an activity, do not pick something only because it will look good on an application. It's important to take time to determine which extracurricular activities are worth your time, but choose things that you are passionate about. If you are not interested in the activity you will not be a good contribution to the club or team. Ultimately this could hurt your application when the time comes for interviews or recommendations. It also hurts the rest of the team or club who do care about the organization.
Start early with extracurricular activities. Colleges can tell what students are trying to do when junior and senior years are full of hours upon hours of clubs and sports. Pick just a couple activities that you are truly interested in and focus on these organizations.
Realize that activity participation will not make up for bad grades and test scores. Though extracurricular activities look good on an application, if you can't balance school and activities this can negatively affect you.
Keep in mind that community service is often overlooked when applying to college. Though it is thoughtful and important to give back to the community, those people who are recognized go above and beyond to give back. These are students who dedicate their lives to community service, doing things such as starting charities for specific causes.
Don't get caught up in the college prep frenzy when taking the time to search for extra curricular activities and sports. Colleges will not take you seriously unless you are serious about how you want to be represented. High school is not only a time to plan for your future, but clubs and sports may help you find a hobby or cause that you are truly passionate about the rest of your life. Be sure to keep your social and academic lives balanced so the two are equally demonstrated on any major college application.