Like research-based papers, argumentative writing starts with, and revolves around a thesis statement. It follows that, like in writing any other research-based papers, you must offer support and evidence for opinions raised in argumentative writing.
Like research-based papers, argumentative writing starts with, and revolves around a thesis statement. It follows that, like in writing any other research-based papers, you must offer support and evidence for opinions raised in argumentative writing.
Excellence in argumentative writing starts with development of relevant thesis statement, to using credible resources for research to using suitable structures and formats. The following are tips for perfecting augmentative writing.
Tip 1: Construct an argument based on understanding of original ideas
Constructing an argument begins with understanding what position you need to take. If you want to oppose an idea in augmentative writing, make sure to understand the idea first. Having said this, augmentative writing begins with reading original articles and ideas to oppose. Indeed, the piece of advice is to read widely, not only to understand ideas to oppose, but also understand other intercepting ideas.
Most of research issues are discussed world over. You can be sure that many researchers tackle such issues and have differing opinions about them. So, if you are about to participate in augmentative writing, be sure to consider what positions other researchers take about the issues in question. Indeed, many writers construct their arguments from arguments raised by other authors or writers. Others begin argumentative writing by constructing arguments and then developing them based on what other authors have.
Tip 2: Weigh the original argument
Once you read and understand original arguments, the next step is weighing them. By original argument, I mean those you want to criticize or argue. Argumentative writing involves understanding original arguments and evaluating them by looking at the pros and cons. Make sure to look at possible criticisms of your own arguments.
Tip 3: Refute the original argument
If you understand the original argument posited by authors, it is easier to weigh them in light of what others think about them. In addition, argumentative writing involves your own reasoning to find out if the ideas and opinions raised are reasonable enough.
After weighing the original argument, it is easier to see if many people support it or reject it. In addition, you may find out the number of points raised to support it, and compare with the number raised against it. This would determine whether to refute the original argument or not.
If you employ own reasoning about original arguments from other authors, the only best way to provide evidence for refuting them is using credible analyses. You need consult credible research resources from other authors. One way is to cite and refer to peer-reviewed research resources. Most readers will buy ideas in your argumentative writing if you engaged credible research information.
You may apply these three steps in refuting arguments from other authors;
· State the argument raised by your opponent
· Analyze argument to determine whether it is reasonable, true, strong or weak.
· Posit your argument while providing evidence to counter the opponent’s arguments
Evidence may also include examples, either real life or hypothetical cases, in addition to arguments from additional authors.
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