Bass Lessons: Practice to Get the Most Out of Your Guitar Lessons
Perfection requires practice. All the more, this is so when you are trying to learn how to play bass guitar. For proficiency, regular practice is the answer.
Trying to learn bass lessons? This is the first step in your voyage to learn the intricacies of playing a very fascinating instrument. Remember,

the bass is certainly an intriguing instrument. Many celebrity musicians began their career as bass players. (Surely, KISS wouldn’t have risen to celebrity status without the help of bassist Gene Simmons). Even now, many of us do not know how to distinguish a traditional electric guitar from a bass guitar. In simple terms, any musical performance will be devoid of consistent deep sounds without the bass instrument, as its absence would simply weaken other instruments. Bass players thus play an important role in any rock band and those who master this will soon be in great demand. But demand can only come when you are perfect in your skills. The only way to achieve this is practice.
Don’t ever develop the attitude of “Okay, I’ve got it,” while you learn how to play bass guitar. By merely practicing the new strings twice or thrice, you can’t arrive at the conclusion that you have got it. This will restrict you from becoming proficient in the bass lessons. In fact this is how you bring in a bad example by merely gaining an overview of the instrument. On the other hand, you should practice and put to test what you have practiced in a steady way.
Needless to emphasize, the more you practice your bass guitar, the more proficient you will become. If you can practice for three or four hours a week, you will be surely able to play bass guitar in a faster pace than those who practice only an hour a week. But these three or four hour sessions should not be rushed sessions because shoddy practice doesn’t improve your quality. Try to get the best out of your lessons when you practice.
If a student has only one hour to devote for practice, does it mean he will never be able to achieve mastery in his bass playing? On the contrary, even an hour of intense practice can benefit you greatly. This can be achieved when you are regular with your one hour practice, setting aside a hour every week, taking care never to miss it. Let this hour of practice be full of concentration from your side, which can help you to improve your bass playing. If you make an effort to use the limited time which you can devote for bass lessons in a proper and concentrated manner, you can really derive benefits.
Apart from practicing, you should try to learn through self-study. This can be done through listening to famous musical concerts, bass solos, or concerts which can enhance your understanding of the lessons. This could involve listening to audio of famous bass solos or performances to enhance your lessons. In fact the live videos of performances from great bassists can benefit you to derive the best from the lessons you have been studying. Your success in bass lessons is certainly dependant on your serious dedication to practice outside the lessons that you receive as study material. Precisely for this reason, consistent and continuous practice is required.