Canon Al Servo AF, Photograph youth Sports, Speedlite, shutter priority, children
Discover how you can photograph any type of youth sports. There are 3 parts to this tip. This is the the third and final article to How To Photograph Any Type Of Youth Sports Part. If you have not read the first two parts, make sure to do so!
To increase the chances of you photographing sharp images of your subject in motion,

use Canon’s Al Servo AF. It has a predictive autofocus feature. Canon’s Al Servo AF will follow-focus the child.
If you want to gain better results, understand the children in the team you are photographing. You will be better able to consider the situation. What I mean here is that the accuracy of your prediction to when the child will pass the baton, make the jump shot, at which direction the child will kick the ball from, and so on, will be more accurate.
Photographing professional athletes and children each have different photographing techniques. There are differences in terms of venue, gestures and more. Keep in mind that when you photograph children, capture the emotion they give. Also, capture the enjoyment of the children playing sports. It is okay to whether or not it is a non-action or action shot, as long as it has a connection with sports, candid images are often times the best!
Unlike photographing professional athletes, you have much more access to photograph children at sports events. Make use of this chance! Your shooting location and anticipation are important to photograph excellent images of youth at sports. Then again, remember to not get in the way of referees and coaches.
Canon cameras have an auto-exposure system which is excellent for candid shots. With this system, you can shoot emotions of the child that come and go very quickly. Without this system, you may also have difficulties adjusting to the light conditions. The shutter-priority (Tv) and aperture-priority (Av), are two great settings to make use of when photographing sports. Using a Canon Speedlite flash alongside automatic settings will help capture momentary moments.
Here are the things you should watch out for to have a really good youth sports photo. Make sure that the light works great and leave the background out from focus. Position yourself at a location where you can photograph images of the children coming towards you. Also, shoot creatively!
This is the last part of How to Photograph Any Type of Youth Sports. If you have not read the first two parts, make sure you do so! Enjoy!
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