Communication With Roommates Is Key
College years hold many memorable experiences. Most colleges offer dorm living for students who choose to live on campus. There are a variety of facto...
College years hold many memorable experiences. Most colleges offer dorm living for students who choose to live on campus. There are a variety of factors that make dorm life fun or a failure.
Getting a roommate is one of the things that make most college freshmen nervous. They hope to get the "perfect" roommate,
someone who is like them and isn't annoying. Filling out college information regarding your dorm room preferences is important. If you go to bed early, make sure you write that down so you do not get matched up with someone who goes to bed late. If you are a neat freak, mention this so you don't get partnered up with someone who is a slob.
Life in the dorm can be loud. Since this will be the first time many students have had their own independence, away from their parents, things can get a little crazy. It is smart to have a fan or an air purifier to create some "white noise" so loud music or talking doesn't stop you from sleeping. If you can talk to your potential roommate before moving into your dorm room, this is advantageous.
Between the two of you it can be determined who will bring a refrigerator, microwave, television, futon, and other items. You may also want to get together just to become familiar with each other prior to living together. You can discuss things such as room decor; bed spread covers and the like. If distance makes it impossible to physically get together then ask them to be a Facebook friend and communicate through social media.
Once you move on campus it is vitally important to communicate with your new roommate. If you are willing to share things like food and clothes, talk about that. If you are very protective with your belongings, make sure that is communicated to in order to avoid roommate problems from developing in the first place. It is also a good idea to pair up with a roommate who has similar social patterns.
Anywhere you go and whoever you room with, communication is a key factor in a superior roommate situation. Whether a roommate works out or not depends on a assortment of factors. Your college years should be a time when you develop good memories of times spent with great friends. Select your roommate carefully because they can make or break your dorm living adventure.