Following article is about the influence of CLEO alumni in legal education and elaborates specifically the writing of law essays following this system. Understanding CLEO is essential for students who are willing to attend law school and want to pursue their career in law education.
Law essay writing format is based on CLEO-Claim, Law, Evaluate, and Outcome. It is a framework used to analysis and answer law essay and examination questions. It will not be effective or enough methodology for you if you lack proper understanding of substantive law. You must know the underlying legal principle that constitutes the raw materials or building blocks for a sound essay. CLEO provides the blueprint for putting those materials together. If you don’t have the building blocks for the essay that is the enough legal knowledge you will not be able to write a law essay that lies in the category of first class. You may have a flawless style prose, but if you fail to provide the understanding of the law materials. The best organizational style in the world will not overcome the lack of knowledge. You will notice the more the substantive knowledge the better the organization and writing become. When you don’t quite know what points to make you waste a lot of time in making vague generalities and common sense (but not necessarily legal) comments. All of your statements may be true as a matter of law. But they may not be sophisticated, insightful and relevant as your examiner would like them to be.
Learning law is a hard work. There is no substitute for reading the texts, attending lectures, and thinking about the legal concept on a daily basis. Though, spending a lot of time in reading textbooks will not guarantee your knowledge of the law. Just as learning to write a law essay is learned skill too, and is the ability to read and understand and summaries of legal materials. Persuasion is the important part of law essays; you have to demonstrate why is you the best course of action, if you cannot do so without the understanding of underlying legal authorities.
There are three types of legal materials:
Statutes and cases constitute ‘binding’ legal authorities, whereas legal commentary constitutes merely persuasive legal authority. The difference between two types of authority becomes important when you have to decide how to use various legal materials in support of your argument.
In the context of the statues, it not only deals with the laws enacted by the Parliament but also refers to the European legislation and international instruments such as treaties or conventions. It is beyond this article to cover all the international instruments apply within the UK or different ways court can interpret statutory materials. However, some suggestion can be made how to use statutory materials. Students neglect the importance of statutes and are the first source that any lawyer would consider when faced with a legal problem.UK embraces the concept of parliamentary supremacy; therefore, statutes constitutes the supreme law of the land. Though the UK is the common law jurisdiction, the study of law focuses largely on cases in the absence of a statute. However, as it can never replace statutes, students should look further do the statute applies to the question at hand and then identify the extent to which case law should apply.
Pay particular attention to the definition of the statutes, a technical definition of a common word would be given. Note the difference of the term given and compare of two statutes. Define how the term used in one statute by reference to a definition in another enactment. Your lectures and textbooks will identify important parts of statutes Pay close attention to the specific language of the statues. Avoid paraphrasing the statutes and use the exact terms and language in your notes. Highlight and underlining the important passages will save you from writing notes.
You must note the specific statutes:
How they interact with one statute to another statute
You must cut down all the legal information into more manageable. Secondly, you must know the material well to be able to manipulate it.
It is as important as statutory law. Cases are important to the student and practicing lawyer for three reasons. First statutes cannot cover every possible situation, in fact, they are supplemented by case law that defines how the statues is applied to the particular circumstances. Secondly, statutes sometimes maintain common law definitions or principles within the language of the enactment. Finally, in common law jurisdiction, there will be stances where no statute applies. Instead, the law will be personified in all of the various cases that have grown up over time.
Learning the law is all about the process of figuring out what is important and why reading cases originally teaches you how to undertake legal reasoning, it also teaches you to how to harmonize and distinguish cases, how to manipulate cases that suits your own purpose, it makes the study of law more interesting, since you are learning to argue creatively and not simply memorizing facts.
To understand and memorizing materials, you must manipulate it in some fashion; therefore you should consider compiling your own case summaries. Summarizing case is the summary of the case. It helps you remember the important elements of judicial opinion so that you can apply later in fact pattern. The case summary does not include all points of facts or law. Include key notes, if suitable. Case summaries are very short.
Good Law writing style- Mandatory element of style:
Good grammar is the key to good communication. We have discussed earlier that your writing style greatly influences the reader. For that you have to be good in grammar in any case. To be good in grammar you must consider the following areas.
Clause: A group of words acting together, it has two categories.
Independent Clause: A group of words that can alone as a sentence.
Dependent Clause: A group of words that can’t stand alone as a sentence.
Often the easiest and the best solution to the grammatical problem is to change the sentence structure.