A high-quality cigar lighter is one of those little luxuries that make life a lot more fun. The elegant finishes, environmentally-friendly nature of a reusable device and the reliable service make them as practical as they are indulgent. They will have trouble, however, from time to time. A lighter is such an inherently simple device that it's generally very easy to figure out what is causing the difficulty.
The first part in determining what's causing the failure is taking note of the symptoms. Is the flint wheel resistant to turning? Is the igniter functioning but failing to light up the jet or wick? Most often, there will be one or two things which will be revealed to be the problem.
Start by looking into the fuel jets. This is a particularly easy problem to troubleshoot on multi-jet lighters. If two out of three jets ignite, it's almost certain that the third is obstructed. To remove any obstructions, tap the lighter, very gently, on a hard surface while keeping the jets inverted. Most often, whatever is clogging them will fall out. If this doesn't work, simply use a wire or toothpick to gently free the obstruction.
If the lighter has an electronic igniter, there may be other issues at hand. Make certain that the igniter is producing spark. Don't stick one's face directly over the lighter when doing this, however! Simply cup a hand over the lighter to block out light, hold it away from the face and trip the ignition. It should give off a nice, visible spark. If not, check for obstructions. If there are no obstructions and there still is no spark, the lighter may need servicing.
On an electronic lighter with no spark, the affair is a bit more complex. If any obstructions have been removed and there is still no spark, there may be a problem with the igniter itself. Most often, this will require the intervention of a qualified service person to fix. The lighter may either be brought to a shop or sent back to the company. Most companies warranty their products for quite a while and there is usually little or no difficulty in securing a repair. Don't attempt to remove the igniter one's self. Doing so incorrectly can damage the lighter permanently and will almost certainly void the warranty. These problems need to be fixed by someone with the right tools and knowledge.
How To Use Humidification Beads In Your Cigar Humidor
What can beads do for your cigars? What is meant by the term "beads" when it comes to humidification? This type of system uses beads for moisture release, and this relatively simple process keeps these items cheap. The buffer effect that results from bead humidification is an effective alternative to costly electrical systems.How Long Can I Keep A Cigar In A Storage Tube Or Case?
Let's say you want to store some quality cigars over a period of time. Can you store a cigar? How long does it stay good? Where do you begin? It really depends on your primary method of storage. If you have a cigar humidor that is airtight and properly humidified then your cigars can last forever. Even today, some cigars from the pre-WWII era have been smoked and enjoyed.What Can I Use To Humidify My Humidor?
What is a humidor and how does it relate to humidification of cigars? A humidor is simply a cigar box or a room that stores cigars. The room must have high humidity at all times. Such an area can keep all types of tobacco products safe and in good condition. Wood is a common material for constructing a cigar humidor. Humidor rooms may encompass an entire room or even the first floor of a house.