The ‘Managing People’ session of the Full time MBA at Bradford University School of Management is an intense week overcoming the ordeals of an assignm...
The ‘Managing People’ session of the Full time MBA at Bradford University School of Management is an intense week overcoming the ordeals of an assignment,

preparation study and review.
However, half way through the week, some light relief came in the form of an email from our director in Italy, Paolo Taticchi. It was an invitation to a dinner saying, ‘I’ll book a table at a traditional restaurant in Spoleto to enjoy a dinner all together on Thursday night, 8 p.m. See you on Thursday!’
I was looking forward to the dinner but this presented me with another challenge – fitting in the task of writing a case study in between classes and the dinner. Life on the MBA is hectic. It is a golden opportunity not only to acquire knowledge but also develop practical skills like efficient and effective time management.
Completion of assignment enabled me to arrive in the restaurant at 8 pm on time. This gave me the opportunity to talk to Prof David Spicer from Bradford about Yorkshire where I used to live - he is one of the lecturers on the Full time MBA. It also gave me the opportunity to look around the restaurant. Ristorante Apollinare in Spoleto has the longest tradition and its reputation is very popular amongst local people. There were pictures on the walls of celebrities such as Sofia Loren who had eaten there. Despite being the middle of the week, it was filled with customers.
At 8.30 pm we all (professors, students and staff) started the Italian full course dinner. The delicate and excellent meals were in turn served; Antipasto (Appetizer), Primo Piatto (First Main Dish), Secondo Piatto (Second Main Dish). We were also served Umbrian red and white wine, which emphasized the delicious dishes. This got us all smiling and chatting.
When we were waiting for the last dish, Dolce (Sweet), the lights went off suddenly in the restaurant. I anticipated that it was because of a power cut, however, nobody looked surprised. Hereupon, the curious situation occurred that a small light was approaching us in the darkness. When the owner of the restaurant brought the candle light on my table, I figured out that it was a surprise party celebrating my 31st birthday. At the same time, they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me in an international mixed chorus of English, Italian and other languages. I sincerely appreciated the gesture from classmates and teachers, especially in such a fantastic restaurant.
Although I may not able to say it was as beautiful as an orchestra, by any standard, it made me extremely happy – and made all the hard work managing my hectic schedule for the Full time MBA worthwhile.
The Full-time Bradford MBA in Italy is run in partnership with the University of Perugia. It is based in Spoleto, about 40 km from Perugia in the Umbrian region of Italy, at The Rocca Albornaziana (find out more about the region, joint facilities and accommodation in Perugia).
It is taught in English and delivered Full-time over 12 months by a combination of senior academics from both universities. Teaching is in small groups, which gives the programme a tailored, intimate feel. Opportunities to take modules in Bradford or at partner institutions in France or Spain are available and encouraged.
Bradford-Perugia MBA students benefit from a guaranteed three month internship, managed by the University of Perugia in conjunction with local Italian enterprises, at the end of the programme. They also have access to support, resources and services offered by both universities throughout their studies. This includes help with getting a visa.