Getting The Needed Funds For Your School Art Program With Promotional Items
A lot of things seem to fall by the wayside when there are cuts in funding for schools. One of these can be the arts in schools. Many folks have the i...
A lot of things seem to fall by the wayside when there are cuts in funding for schools. One of these can be the arts in schools. Many folks have the idea that is isn't as needed as other schools programs and classes. It is necessary though to create more well rounded people out of students. Art of all kinds is incredibly important and it doesn't show how much it does mean until it isn't there anymore.
When the job of raising money falls to the parents and the teachers it can be a tough spot to be in. In the past people have relied on doing things like community car washes and bake sales to bring in money. There are ways that will get more funds for less work though. If you take a look at all the promotional items that there are you will see that there are a lot of things that can be customized and used to bring in funds for schools.
Because you are trying to raise funds for the arts programs it is smart to use things that are,
or can be thought of as art related. One idea is taking something that has been customized and then making it personalized. This can be easily accomplished with something as simple as t-shirts. You can buy while cotton t-shirts and have them customized with the school name in black, with some mention of the arts programs on their also. If you have these shirts made of white cotton with black lettering, they could be dyed different colors.
Generally any studio art classes have supplies of permanent dyes and paints that can be used. Students in these classes could use the shirts as the focus for their art instruction and use them to paint on instead of using paper or canvas board. They could even be tie dyed by the students if there is dye available. The point is that all of these shirts will show off the school name while being completely different. Many students will like this so much that they will buy the shirts for themselves after painting them.
These items once completed can be shown off in the office at school that gets the most traffic. They make great fund raisers because they are all so different and attractive. They also work well because this is an item that people need and will use, being that it is clothing. These things will get worn all over town and will be a good advertisement for the school art program and will make the school look good.