Help in the study of the Spanish language
It is said that the German language is intended for the war, French for love, and Spanish to talk with God.
And you made the right choice! In this article we will give tips that will surely help you in learning this beautiful language.
The Spanish language is the third largest in the world,

behind only the Chinese and English. But if judging by Spanish speaking population size, the Spanish firmly in second place. Because almost all of Latin America uses it!
Our first piece of advice: take your time! basically, this advice can be placed first for person studying any foreign language. Maintain the pace of language learning which gives you a pleasure. It would be nice if the Spanish language will be your second foreign language. And the first, another European foreign language, such as English. Again, make learning Spanish comfortable!
Following this tip, learning Spanish will be easy for you. Each newly learned word, every learned phrase will bring you joy. After all, the Spanish language is very beautiful language. We would like to remind of some principles. You have to start with the simple tasks and make them harder gradually. The second principle - regularity. Best if you practice the language daily. Well, if you are tired, then take a break for few days.
Find a course to learn Spanish, which is most suitable for you. It is very much depends. Now there is a lot different books, audio books, techniques, so you have a choice. Once again? learning a foreign language should be interesting.
In our opinion, there many of the best English books in Spanish. There is not enough of practice. Therefore, to fill this gap buy other reference books with practical exercises in the Spanish language. Or try to use your knowledge every day everywhere when you have a chance. For example talk to people or find particular church or other place where you can try to use your language skills.
The most difficult thing in the Spanish language - the study of verbs and prepositions. So use enough time to learn that. Start learning the language with most simple section with words such as a simple verbs ser, estar, tener. And some practical advice. 1. Vowels are pronounced in Spanish same as written. Never in that language you replace"o" on "a", "e" to "i", in contrast to English. 2. The feature of the Spanish language is that it is often in the words used an accent mark. Therefore, pay attention to that part.