How Can I Earn A Golf Management Degree?
Being able to earn a golf management degree may not be as challenging or difficult as you may imagine. While there is a requirement of the ability to ...
Being able to earn a golf management degree may not be as challenging or difficult as you may imagine. While there is a requirement of the ability to play golf as well as a good understanding of the game,

there is also room for most levels of golfers within the academic program. Knowing a bit about the requirements for admission along with the basic academic program will help you determine if this degree is exactly what you need for your professional goals.
When you want to earn a golf management degree finding the right school is always the key consideration. It is a good idea to do some online research and read about the various programs available. Not every school offers an Associate level degree in golf management and even fewer provide options for having that degree recognized, should you wish to continue on to a Bachelor level or advanced degree level. It is important to choose a school that is accredited and recognized by other colleges or universities, in the event you would like to transfer or advance on.
After you have researched the schools that will allow you the option to pursue and earn a golf management degree, the next step is to carefully consider the admission requirements. Most schools or colleges have very similar admissions requirements, but there are always slight differences between programs. You will be required to provide transcripts and verification of your high school graduation or a recognized GED completion certificate. Grades and standing upon graduation from high school or a GED program will be considered, but they are not the only factor the college will look at for admission.
For most students that graduated from a high school in the United States a SAT or Scholastic Aptitude Test will also be available. The results from these tests, usually administered in grade12, are made available to the college you are considering. An alternative test to the SAT is the ACT or American College Testing exam. There is a threshold level for acceptance into any Associate level degree program based on your scores on either the SAT or the ACT. Typically scores of 1430 on the SAT or 17 on the ACT are required to be admitted to the program.
In order to earn a this degree you will also have to actually play golf, which includes both coursework and time on the links to improve your game and be able to instruct others. There are some colleges that require a handicap while others do not. A college that does not have a handicap requirement is a good choice for those students that are avid golfers and love the game but are not necessarily considering advanced levels of play. However, most students will have a handicap or they can talk to an admissions counselor to verify that their current playing level is appropriate for the requirements of the course.
The time that it takes to earn a golf management degree depends on the course and the individual college requirements. In most cases, 16 months of full time studies is all that is required for the program completion. This provides you with an Associated of Science degree in Golf Management, which then opens doors to moving into a variety of different areas with the sport and profession. These options vary depending on your interest from being a golf instructor to running a club or even organizing tournaments or working as a sales rep or course designer. The goal of a good program is to provide a strong educational foundation that will suit a range of job requirements, allowing the graduate to then focus in on areas of specialization.