In our life we often come across the situations that might have been foreseen if we had thought about the consequences before.
In our life we often come across the situations that might have been foreseen if we had thought about the consequences before. Sometimes we have to deal with the insuperable obstacles - at work, in private life, at college. Don’t wrinkle your forehead. Neither do tear your hair. It won’t help. There is something more to be done. It will change the situation for better and even could prevent the disaster. The cure for our despair is systematic thinking.
We can trace the examples of excellence of systematic thinking in Chinese stratagems, Confucius philosophy system or the works of commanders- in- chief. Do you remember the professor’s comments on your computer science essay. “Shouldn’t you consider the problem in a more global perspective.”? At the same time adding, “But avoid generalities, be attentive to details - they make all the difference”.
The ability to think systematically really gives you an advantage over the others. To think systematically means to see not only the objects in the situation, but a network of their correlation. Both in space and time. Sometimes we stick on some flopping experience (we shout « I can’t work with Access, I can’t drive, write this terrible essay). However hard we try, all our efforts are of no effect. It is possible to break this vicious circle by turning on your systematic thinking. Let’s presume you intend to get a better job or expect a promotion from your present position. You should estimate your chances and see the whole picture, not only your individual position. You will require such techniques as time line (What is going to happen tomorrow? And where was I and how did I manage to achieve the today’s results?), three perception positions: you take a detached objective look at yourself, your boss’ point of view, and your ability to get feedback, say , from your boss. You should regard your promotion as a series of interacted steps: you should realize what you are to do first (talk to your boss), what’s next (improve your qualification). The main thing you should envisage your strategy when one of the chains tears apart: the boss may refuse to speak with you, there will be no opportunity to get a necessary qualification.
It is easy to understand that systematic thinking helps you to plan these steps. These skills are essential for everyone who aspires to succeed.
Systematic thinking first of all suggests learning how to describe events as systems – pointing out the main and omitting the minor aspects (
From a systematic point of view any conflict is a different perspective on a particular situation or problem. You have to challenge your habits and practice your communication skills in difficult situations. To put yourself into your opponent’s shoes seems to be an elementary thing. But to please someone not to your own detriment is really an art. If we know the dreams of other person and find similarities in our dreams –we are able to develop a successful partnership unless we limit ourselves. Systematic thinking helps you to find unifying features. It is no secret that all of us are so different. But we don’t always appreciate this diversity. However only due to them we manage to end the deadlocks. When you start thinking systematically you will view the world in a more simple way, at the same time you will be able to solve much more complicated tasks.
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