The Past is the key to the Future. We relate words “Past” and “History” with purpose, because they are indeed sometimes interchangeable. If you want to know how to become educated and feel that you’ve fulfilled your duty in front of your ancestors, read this brief information.
With the warm breeze of summer wind a numerous number of high school graduates gets ready to enter the university. This is the moment they’ve been waiting for all their lives and now time to choose one career out of the hundreds has come. First of all you are to decide what are you interested in, what skills or abilities you have and what your aim in life is. It is also time to ask somebody for a good piece of advice. Your assessment of yourself is quite subjective, if you want to here bare truth, which is better in this situation, turn to your family or a friend and they’ll tell you what is it you are good at. It also depends on your physical and mental abilities. As one may hear “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. You may be a genius in mathematics and a complete failure in building a dog house. One can be very skillful in designing a house but feel hopeless in front of the blank sheet of paper and a pen with the task to write an essay. One may be a master of the word but be puzzled by simple procedure of changing the light bulb. That’s why you are to consider all your past experiences in everything you did. That will help you to find your true calling.
Before heading off to college, you are to consider the financial income you’ll get when being awarded with a college diploma. For example the salary of a lawyer and a teacher differ in some digits, and this is also a rule in different countries. So if you dream to do what you like and make a fortune by it, you are to reconsider and find the suitable way out. Now we see how many things is one to know before getting prepared to forward your college application essay. You are to consider a lot of different things and facts. Just imagine how many dull college application essays do universities receive from students. You are to make it bright and very informative. You may have a dream to become a famous actress, but your appearance (let’s be frank) and your skills leave something more to be desired. Of course you may dream on and stay miserable for the rest of the days, but you may also be a great psychologist, a specialist you were advised to become and be happy helping people, making small performances on Christmas Eve for your family.
You’ve chosen your career and feel that you are ready to get your teeth into knowledge but again you face the reality, looking at your grades and the cost of your studies. You have to bee good enough to get a scholarship, but your grades make you come back down to earth and leave no hope for a successful career. Get focused and get necessary points. Once becoming a freshman at high school you are to think already. If you drop out, you will never make a proper career, except some rare cases of extreme luck, will and efforts. Once you’ve considered everything and thought your choice carefully over, you might have gained confidence in the future. And here you are facing the wide walls of your dormitory and thinking about future. If you’ve gone through all above mentioned steps and feel very easy and relaxed. You will make a successful career and be happy till the rest of your days.
Train your Memory
Memory is a very important tool that needs to be cherished. When in the middle of an intellectual task your mind suddenly goes blank, that is a signal to take some action. This article provides you with necessary information on how to train your memory.Power of The Word
Words possess magic power over us. Words of order, words of a sentence, words you use in your essay. They make all the difference in our life. That is why we should devote enough attention to the words we say to each other. Being polite, saying compliments to surrounding people gives fruit in the form of constructive and pleasant interaction with others.Follow Your Calling
All people are born with a definite purpose, a definite mission to fulfill on the Earth. We are to follow our calling, but very often people face the problem of not knowing what they want to do or of being afraid of following their calling, due to some reasons. Why does this happen? And what should we think of when making crucial decisions in our life?