How to deal with the fear of failure

Dec 1


Idalia Luczak

Idalia Luczak

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We all in our lives, without an exception, do everything because of two reasons. Everything that we do or not are because of them.


Those two motivations have impact on what we achieve in life.

All our actions depends on - what? Depends on the fear of failure or on the pleasure we get from our actions. Of course,How to deal with the fear of failure Articles there is no problem if the second argument is being more important in our life than the first one.

Worse is when avoiding the feeling of suffering is our major motivation. It is really powerful thing which could be proved by what people could achieve in their lives but they don't in the end - even if they have enough knowledge to do that.

So if we already know what lead us in life we should think about dealing with it. And the fear of failure is a really strong feeling that is deep in our soul and mind and is something like our bad heritage from our ancestors - something hard to fight with.

If we want to make this feeling disappear it is worth to think over the situation when we are upset about someone's opinion. If someone is critical about our behavior it is worth to think that it really doesn't matter cause it is only a critic of person who doesn't have much in common with us and our life.

Another thing is when we want to do something with our life thinking about the failure is making everything worse and may lead to a real failure. That's how it works - our thoughts create reality. If they are optimistic probably the success will happen.

So avoiding pessimistic thoughts and criticism we can achieve really huge things. Just believe in the success and yourself and the success will be yours!

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