Integrated Marketing is simply referred to as a holistic approach to marketing communication. Its prime objective is to ensure consistency of message ...
In simple words, integrated marketing communication is the mix of all marketing tools, concepts, approaches, and resources within a company which optimizes impact on consumer mind and which in turn results into optimum profit at minimum cost. The typical concept of marketing revolves around “Marketing Mix”. Promotion is one element of Marketing Mix and the related activities include Advertising (by using different medium), sales promotion (sales and trades promotion), and personal selling activities. It also involves internet marketing, sponsorship marketing, direct marketing, database marketing and public relations. And mix of all these promotional tools along with other elements of marketing mix to gain a competitive edge is known as Integrated Marketing Communication.
Although tightly linked to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), it should not be confused with it. This is improved when integration goes beyond just the usual communications tools. There are different levels of integration such as Horizontal, Vertical, Internal, External and Data integration Horizontal Integration takes place across the marketing mix and across various business functions – such as production, finance; distribution and communications should closely work together and be concerned that their decisions and actions send messages to customers.
Vertical Integration refers to marketing and communications objectives must support the top level corporate objectives and corporate missions. Internal Integration is supported by internal marketing - making all staff informed and motivated about any newer developments from new advertisements, to new corporate identities, new service standards, new strategic partners and so on.
External Integration, on the other hand, needs external partners such as advertising and PR agencies to work closely together to make out a single optimum solution - a united message - an integrated message.
Visit our website for more information on Integrated Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communication.
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