Knowing More about Fashion Design History
If you are going to become a good designer you will need to know more about the history of fashion design and how it influenced fashion today.
If you are looking to be one of the great fashion designers on the time you have to keep in mind that the fashion designer of today did not become great over night,

most of them learn about fashion design history. Now, this does not mean that you have to too, but you will find that if you want to get into fashion, you will need to know the ins and outs of the industry. This means that you will want to go to some kind of a fashion designing school or college. If you do this you will find that many fashion schools will touch on fashion design history, and this will be done because the history of fashion design it is important. You may not think that it is when you are starting out, but when you become a huge name brand, which you probably dream of, you will find that you will need to pull ideas from all walks of life. This means that you will get a client that needs to have a dress made with influences as far back as the 1800’s. If you do not know about the history of fashion at that point, you will find that you will end up turning that client away. The first thing that a client wants to hear when they ask you for a piece is an idea or two. You need to be able to know what you are talking about, and the only way that this is going to happen is if you were to already know about the period of the piece they are looking for you to create. Fashion design history is not made to bore you, and it is not there to just tell you about what happened those days in fashion. It is not a new update; it has more to do with the history of all the designs, so that you are able to see what fashion has gone through and what the fashion looked like. You will also find that a lot of the fashion of the 1980’s are returning these days, so fashion from the 60’s, you will find, is back too. This is why it is important for you to know about the history of fashion design, because if the industry was suddenly to take a turn for that era, you will be left behind. You will need to know about the art influence on fashion design from the 1800’s and that it was all started by one man that was not afraid to show what he had to do. That is the key to becoming a great fashion designer, but you need to know that you will have to have fashion that people will buy. Handbags, shoes and whole lot of other things make up the fashion industry, so you will need to know a little more about the fashion design history of these things too, if you are going to make fashion accessories and not just clothes.