Any one who attains a Microsoft certificate will be known as an MCP or Microsoft Certified Professional.
If you are someone who would like to learn about mastering Windows Server 2003 at your own pace then the best place to start looking for the right kind of training is online. Today there are a large number of schools, colleges and universities available online which offer you the chance to train and learn about Windows Server 2003 at a pace that is suitable to you.
All the programs you see online today offer you a very comprehensive course which offers you the chance to learn everything you need to know quickly and easily. Through these programs you can learn everything there is that you need to know about the latest versions.
The great thing about such programs as these is that they are designed so that you can not only use them with Windows but also with MacIntosh and other platform applications as well as long as they support Macromedia Flash.
Through these programs you will learn about various different aspects which will help you to understand and then master Windows Server 2003. Some of the main lessons that are included in such programs are as follows:-
1. You will learn about how to add and remove items from the desktop along with being able to customize your display settings. It provides you with the chance to enable you to personalize the taskbars as well as the start up menu on your PC and others and make adjustments to other hardware (speakers, sound and voice drives) attached to your PC.
2. Through this course you will learn not only about the basic folder and file operations to be found in Windows Explorer, but it will also teach you how to view and program your organization of them. Plus it allows you the chance to learn about how to set up your own internet and network connections.
3. It helps you to learn about how to define and then organize the disk space that it available to you as well as teaching you about the various properties a disk will contain.
4. You can learn about Windows updates as well as COM+ and computer management. This will result in you being able to build your own COM+ applications and to help you know what you are looking at when browsing through the Computer Management console. Plus it also allows you to know how to add or remove programs as well as carry out updates to your Windows applications.
Certainly when it comes to mastering Windows Server 2003 there are many options now available for a person to use. But it is important that a person spends a little time carrying out as much research as possible in order to find the right training program for them.
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