Medical Insurance Personal Terminology You Should Know
Health Coverage is a very overlooked segment of American lifestyles. For those wondering what type of coverage they should have or the generalities of personal medical insurance, the following will be a friendly helper.
Have you ever attempted to look into the fine lines of your insurance coverage and found yourself more confused than before? This is because an insurance contract is a contract of adhesion,

which means the terms are unmodifiable and you cannot negotiate the terms through the insurance agent. The terms of health insurance personal or not are actually given to you on a "take it or leave it" situation. Even though this is not illegal per se, you should expect that some parts might be unconscionable for you. To avoid being duped into signing a document that appears alien to you or which unknowingly will not be good for you later on, it is important that you should at least comprehend the health insurance personal terminology being used throughout the contract.
Primary Care Physician This phrase refers directly to your own physician, the very same one that you visit for regular check-ups and when you are sick. You might hear your insurance agent refer to this physician as your PCP, so be familiar with this phrase. Since the PCP is your main doctor, he or she also has the responsibility to refer you to other doctors if your medical condition necessitates it. If your health insurance personal mandates you to choose a PCP, then you are basically stuck with this physician and you will only be given the chance to see another doctor through the conditions of your insurance subject to the referral of your PCP.
Health Maintenance Organization You often hear the phrase
HMO or Health Maintenance Organization even through the service center of the clinic. This phrase is likewise often observed in various healthcare forms. With the cheap HMO plan, you will be able to get health coverage from doctors that belong to a specific network approved by the insurance provider. This is a normal plan opted for by most people considering it is one of the least expensive options. An HMO plan requires you to choose a Primary Care Physician and you can be sure that his or her referrals will be in to the network of doctors under the HMO. This is inconvenient for those who have been used to being taken care of by specialty doctors who are not included in the list. If you insist, then your doctor’s fee and other expenses will not be covered by the plan.
PPO The Preferred Provider Organization or PPO works much the same way as the HMO only that it is a network of doctors that maintain an agreement with the insurance company. The only difference possibly is that you do not require a Primary Care Physician when your plan lists a PPO, making this option more flexible since it lets you to schedule a medical check-up or appointment with any physician within the network at any time. Unlike the PCP and the HMO options, you however get up to seventy-percent coverage if you prefer to receive care from other physicians that are not in network.
Point of Service Point of Service or POS is a policy that allows patients to visit a physician outside of the network. Basically, the POS requires a Primary Care Physician who can refer you to an in-network physician. However, if you choose to see doctors outside of the network, you will still get some coverage although it is not as good as the coverage offered by the Preferred Provider Organization. This is best for those who cannot afford the services of a doctor on a normal basis but who want health insurance personal protection in case of emergency. There are many medical terms you should become comfortably with if you would like to get the best viable health insurance personal. When you see the term pre-existing condition, it only means an existing condition that was diagnosed within six months previous to the effective date of coverage. Knowing these principal terms will more or less aid in coming up with an intelligent decision when choosing a health insurance personal plan.