Midwest College of Cosmetology: SpaBeautySchools.com Featured School of the Week May 26, 2008

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"At Midwest College of Cosmetology, get the professional advantage when you enroll in any one of its in-depth career-training programs in cosmetology, esthetics, massage therapy, or nail technology (among others). "


At Midwest College of Cosmetology,Midwest College of Cosmetology: SpaBeautySchools.com Featured School of the Week May 26, 2008 Articles get the professional advantage when you enroll in any one of its in-depth career-training programs in cosmetology, esthetics, massage therapy, or nail technology (among others). Conveniently situated in Normal, Illinois, the Midwest College of Cosmetology provides both full- or part-time courses in many of these fast-growing fields.

Fulfill your certification in the 1,500-hour cosmetology program at Midwest College of Cosmetology. This in-depth course of study involves basic training, practical chemical application and hair treatment (i.e., shampooing, rinsing, permanent waving; hair coloring, tinting, toning, bleaching; hair relaxing, hair/scalp conditioning, etc.), hair styling and dressing (i.e., cutting, shaping, thinning, trimming, etc.), salon management, sanitation, interpersonal skills, esthetics (i.e., massage theory, facials, makeup, etc.), nail technology, and other associated studies.

What sets Midwest College of Cosmetology apart from other beauty schools is its great opportunity to earn an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in cosmetology. Take additional coursework while you attend the full-time cosmetology program and earn your A.A.S. degree to further enhance your future career prospects.

Prefer a career in skin care? Select from Midwest College of Cosmetology's 750-hour part- or full-time program in esthetics. Studies in the esthetics program include basic instruction (i.e., skin history, personal hygiene/public health, sterilization/sanitation, etc.), scientific concepts (i.e., bacteriology, chemistry, skin physiology/histology, human anatomy, skin disorders, etc.), skin health/nutrition, skin analysis, skin cleansing, non-therapeutic massage, facial treatments and mask therapy, hair removal, and more.

Become a certified nail technician in as little as four months when you successfully finish the 350-hour part-time nail technology program at Midwest College of Cosmetology. Some of the in-depth subject matter entails nail care history, personal hygiene, bacteriology, sterilization/disinfection, nail disorders, fabric/sculpting procedures, manicures/pedicures; hand, arm and foot massage, and product knowledge.

Do you have an interest in bodywork? Enroll in the 660-hour massage therapy program at Midwest College of Cosmetology and earn the same opportunity to achieve your Associate Degree in Applied Science (in therapeutic massage).

Licensed by the State of Illinois, Midwest College of Cosmetology is also a member of the American Association of Cosmetology schools and the Illinois Association of Cosmetology Schools. Additional amenities include on-site student housing options, student services, and over 10,000 square feet of state of the art facilities.

Express yourself and fulfill your professional aspirations by exploring your career prospects at Midwest College of Cosmetology today!

* Financial assistance available for those who qualify.

Featured School the Week: Midwest College of Cosmetology


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