Allow children to grow in the way that nature intended. Children don’t grow according to outside prospect. Each child has his or her own likes and dislikes. Kids know how much they need to eat to build up the body that’s right for them
While doing the taping for my series on feeding,

I observed a number of children eating, and I saw a lot of strange behaviors. But the preschoolers who attended Miranda’s child care home had the strangest actions of all. There, the children hovered over one of the modest girls. “You can do it,” they encouraged gently.
“Just one more bite.”
“Wash it down with you milk,” recommended another.
“You have to eat,” worriedly commented still another.
The little girl looked unhappy. She didn’t seem at all concerned in her food. All the children waited while she forced down one bite after another. At last, her plate was empty and they all left, congratulating her.
“Miranda, what is going on?” I asked. “I don’t know what to do,” she said. “Every night, when Emma goes home, her father asks her if she ate her lunch. If she says no, he spanks her. And every day he asks me if she ate her lunch. Sometimes she eats quite a lot of it and sometimes she doesn’t. She seldom cleans her plate. If I tell him the truth, he’ll spank her. I don’t want to lie to him, but I don’t want him punishing Emma either.”
The dilemma Miranda is a recognizable one. She was asked by a parent to do something with a child’s feeding that she knew was wrong and not in the child’s best concern. Parents, like child care professionals, love their children and want the best for them. Sometimes parents’ concerns, however, lead them to use feeding approaches that are not developmentally or expressively sound. The caregiver then must cautiously approach parents as regards to these concerns.
Miranda went along with the parent’s desires. Some providers try to change parent’s thoughts, an approach that frequently doesn’t work. Some providers neglect parents’ wishes and do what they think is right. According to montessori course in mumbai ; this approach definitely doesn’t work because it destroys expectation. The answer lies in prevention. Child care professionals should start off feeding disputes with parents by establishing and approving on a feeding policy. A feeding policy is a written statement that evidently states to parents what you will and will not do in feeding the children in your plan. Your child feeding policy tells parents where you stand and is part of the package you offer. As with other child care issues, it is up to parents to believe or reject the package.
While reviewing the feeding policy, you can help parents better realize their child and themselves. Today’s parents feel substantially conflict about their own eating and body weight. The present importance on weight control and nutritional changes to avoid disease puts force on parents to feed themselves and their children well. Pessimistic attitudes, joint with time constraints, have unclear parents’ eating attitudes and behaviors.
Children Need Adults to Help Them Become capable Eaters
Eating skills are built regularly. Children learn to like new foods one by one. Spill by spill they learn to be more expert in their consumption. A preschooler who has learned optimistic eating at home and in child care displays theses healthy eating attitudes and behaviors.
The Division of liability in Feeding
to help children build up eating capability, many parents and child care providers pursue a division of responsibility in feeding children. Adults are in charge for what children are offered to eat, and when and where it is offered. Children are responsible for how much and even whether they eat.
Adults are in charge of the menu. It is their job to offer safe, healthy meals and snacks at considered times in an enjoyable environment. It is up to children to choose how much or how little they eat of the food offered.
Children are unpredictable about their eating. Kids eat what tastes good to them today. Their much loved food today may not taste good to them tomorrow. It follows that on some days they have big appetites and on other days they do not. But they will eat, if you trust and admire their need to eat in their own way.
Children need proper support to do a good job with eating. Sit down and eat with the children in your care at mealtimes. Be welcoming and friendly, but don’t try to take over their job of eating. Keep eating times free of distractions like television. Be understanding of children’s dirtiness; they get neater as they master eating.
Children need time and frequent exposure to study to like new foods. Children learn to like new foods by having them served frequently, by seeing their friends eat them, and by tasting them many times. Providing substitutions teaches children that you don’t imagine them to learn to like the food you offer.
Children require fat in their diets. The low-fat diets many of today’s parents think they should go after are not suitable for young children. Food for kids, at home and at school, should have sufficient fat in it to be good-tasting and be concentrated in calories. It’s nearly not possible for kids to eat enough low-fat food to get the calories they need for growth and power.
Effective Implementation of Feeding Policy as per online ecce course,
•Give a photocopy of your feeding policy to parents during recruitment, so that your position is clear from the start.
•Post your feeding policy where parents can simply see it.
•Be firm and confident with parents. Don’t lower your potential to try to get them to go along with you.
•Invite parents to lunch or snack time to give them and chance to show their kids that they understand your food.
•Use your information and experience to understand a child’s eating behavior to his or her parents, then help parents act on their child’s behalf. For example, you might say, “Your daughter is prepared for solids because she is sitting up well and opens her mouth when she sees food coming. Do you want to start her on breakfast cereal or do you want me to do it?” Or you might give parents a brochure explaining how to start their baby eating solid foods.