We deal with numbers each day, whether we are solving math problems or accounting, we need to round off these numbers to the closest possible value for the sake of our own convenience.
The rounding 368 to nearest hundred will be 400. Now, the question is how to do that? Read this article, and you will get to know the possible solutions.
1) Rounding numbers using online calculator:
We are living in an age, where advanced technology has made things easier for us. Now, we can find dozens of online tools smart enough to compute complicated math operations with speed and precision.
One such tool is a Rounding calculator that is specifically designed to round up or round down the numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions and even billions.
All you are required to do is input the desired value to be rounded, and then set the unit place to which you want the number to be rounded i.e. tens, hundreds and so on.
2) Using Microsoft excel:
The one which holds the 2nd spot in our list is the famous office tool, “Microsoft excel”. This tool helps us in lots of operations involving data analysis and calculations. It can also be utilized in rounding numbers, all you need to do is feed it with a formula and you are all set.
For the above mentioned task, three functions are used in excel; The ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN function.
The Round:
This function rounds up or down a number to a specified number of digits. The numbers 1,2,3,4 above the selected digit gets rounded down, whereas the numbers 5,6,7,8 and 9 are rounded up.
Let’s assume we have a number 138.6841written in the first row and column in the first cell. Now to round this number to three decimal places we use this function =ROUND(A1, 3) here A1 is the cell having the required number and 3 is the decimal place. The rounded number will be 138.684.
The ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN: In this operation a ROUNDUP will always round the numbers up, away from zero, the numbers 1 to 9 are rounded up.
For example: round the number 115.7261 up to two decimal places. Function =ROUNDUP(A1,2) the answer will be 115.73.
Now, to round down the same number up to two decimal places, we use the function=ROUNDDOWN(A1,2) 115.7261 becomes 115.72.
3) Learning the rules for rounding:
At the end we are left with the rules, once you master the rules, you can compute any number with ease.
Here are the general principles for rounding:
Example: 457 rounded to the closest 100 is 500. Because the number at hundred digit was 4 that was followed by 5. So we round the number to 5 and the other numbers to zero.
Example: 332 becomes 300 as the number nearest to 3 is less than 5.
We are optimistic that this article will clarify all the ambiguities regarding the above mentioned question.
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