Marijuana not only makes you act stupid, it is a major cause of lung cancer and it will keep you from reaching your potential. Why not play it straight and enjoy life full of success.
Everybody is all about having a good time, right? There is nothing wrong with having a good time now and again, true? This is all true, but what are you doing for your fun? Are you smoking marijuana as part of that party?
If you are, you might want to think about quitting that stupid practice. It is called stupid because, well, have you seen yourself really stoned? Believe this fact, when you are really loaded you are definitely stupid, or at the very least looking and acting like it. The fact is that you are probably pretty smart when straight.
Why not keep it that way? The facts are in on weed, and it is not the benign little herb that you thought is was. The facts show that it does lead to harder stuff, and that stuff is stupider still. It can ruin your reflexive skills, and you cognitive skills, too. This means that you will slow down both physically and mentally.
Why would you want to slow down both your body and your brain? Surely you want to achieve certain levels of success for yourself, and these do not solely include the ability to choke down more bong loads than your buddies. Weed will get in the way of your goals; it is that plain and simple.
One thing pot heads have in common is their incredible apathy towards life. Apathy is when you just do not care about anything anymore. Surely you care about many things, and these are very meaningful things. These are things like love and family and wealth and joy. Not to get all preachy, but smoking the green does not lead to the gold.
Yes, we all want to party and have a good time, but at what cost? Getting higher today will make you lower tomorrow, so why even bother?
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